Kidnapped part 4

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Seungmin's house

After Jisung had calmed down and was done mocking Minho's stage name, they untied him and showed him to the guest room that he could use. They had spent the whole night dealing with this mess, and the fatigue was starting to be unbearable. They were truly excited to finally get some sleep. All the exits in the house were of course blocked, and there was no way to communicate to the outside. Minho and Seungmin had also both locked their phones away to make sure Jisung wouldn't find them.

"Do I really have to sleep alone?" Jisung shyly asked when Minho showed him the big room. "What? Do you want me to sleep with you or what?" Minho responded in a mocking tone. It was really funny to see the assassin he had feared so much eight years ago now being a shy cutie.

Jisung looked up at him with big puppy eyes, and Minho immediately fell for them. "Ugh. Fine" he said. "But I'm only doing it to make sure you don't try anything, clear?". The younger nodded with an adorable shy smile. Minho couldn't help but feel a little excited at the thought of sharing a bed with him, but he quickly pushed the thought away. 'I can't start caring about him. I'll have to kill him soon and it'll only make the job harder' he thought.

"You can go take a shower now. I'll find you some clothes meanwhile" he told the younger.

Minho noticed that he was only a few centimetres taller than the Jisung, so his clothes would probably fit him well. He spent so much time in Seungmin's house that he had an own closet with his own clothes that he had forgotten there over the years.

He was about to pick a simple T-shirt of his, when another thought hit him. He silently walked over to Seungmin's closet. He was way taller than both of them, and when Minho imagined Jisung in one of Seungmin's comfy hoodies, he couldn't resist the desire.

Minho knocked at the bathroom door. "Jisung, I've brought you some clothes" he said. Soon the door got unlocked and Jisung poked his head in the opening, while using the door to hide the rest of his naked body. Minho blushed a little at the thought of the younger's body, but mentally slapped himself shortly after for thinking such a though. He simply handed him the oversized hoodie and boxers he had found, before quickly leaving, not hearing the boy's quiet 'thanks'. He didn't need Jisung to see his red face.


Jisung locked the bathroom door after the older had handed him the clothes. His face went from ^-^ to 0-0 in just a second, as he saw which clothes the older had brought him. He felt his face turning red of embarrassment. He had expected the Lee Know to bring him some simple pyjamas, like any other normal person would have done, but instead he had given him a dark purple oversized hoodie and some simple grey boxers. Did they really have nothing else?

'I should actually be grateful. Other kidnappers wouldn't even give me a bed to sleep in, but they gave me a huge room and clean clothes too' he though. He suddenly felt a wave of gratefulness towards his two kidnappers, and forgot the embarrassing thoughts about wearing this outfit while sleeping in the same bed as a cute guy.

When he walked out of the bathroom, Lee Know was already waiting for him on the bed. He didn't know what had gotten through his mind when he asked for the older to sleep with him, and now he regretted it badly. He thought about how safe he felt in his arms, and how fast he had managed to calm him down. He had no idea why though, because just a few hours earlier, he had tried to kill him.

While he was walking over to the bed, he could feel Lee Know's eyes on him, like he was observing him. Did he think Jisung would try something?

What Jisung didn't see, was that the older was also madly blushing at the sight of the younger...

"Are you gonna keep on pretending your just a dancer?" Jisung said as he got onto the bed and laid down beside Lee Know. The older didn't say anything. He was apparently pretending to be dumb. "I never told you my name, yet you knew it somehow. You called me Jisung when you handed me the clothes. So tell me, who are you Lee Know?" he said to try getting a reaction of the older. Lee Know widen his eyes at what he said but chose not to reply. Instead he asked: "Does it matter?". Now it was Jisung's turn to be confused. "The fact is that you're here now, and I can kill you at any moment" he said sternly.

Jisung had not expected him to say something like that, as he thought that the older maybe didn't actually want to kill him. Jisung felt a deep disappointment. Had he not hugged him just a few moments earlier? Did he not mean any good with that? He was now very confused. Lee Know had had held a knife to his throat, ready to kill him, and still chose not to. Jisung realised that he had hoped maybe he didn't kill him because he had felt the same way as Jisung, but now Jisung only felt stupid for thinking someone would actually care about him.

He turned around to avoid Lee Know's eyes, and soon fell asleep.


SOPA (Felix's and Hyunjin's school)

Felix was desperately trying to keep up with what the teacher was saying, but the lack of sleep really made it hard. Hyunjin had only laughed at him for spending his night making out with his boyfriend, regardless of the many times Felix told him that they had barely kissed. When the clock rang the third period over, all the students headed over to the cafeteria.

They met up with their friends, Bomin, Sanha and Daehwi, and sat down at their usual table. They were all very popular at school and people referred to them as '00z', as they were born in 2000. They started discussing their week or the homework.

This was Hyunjin's favourite part of the day, not because he got to spend time with friends and food, but because there was someone he could only see at this time of the day. He was the only reason Hyunjin never skipped school. His name was Yang Jeongin. Hyunjin had a crush on him since last year, but he had never dared to speak to the boy even once. To him, seeing his amazing smile once a day was enough to keep him happy.

Felix noticed the other three were very focused on the conversation and took this opportunity talk to Hyunjin about what Changbin had told him. He tapped on Hyunjin's shoulder to get his attention, but he was too busy staring at Jeongin, so Felix hit his head lightly instead.

"Ahhhh omg Felix you almost KILLED ME!" Hyunjin said as Felix pulled him out of his trance. He sighted at the drama queen's bad acting.

"Please listen. I've got some important stuff to tell you" Felix said, and Hyunjin instantly shut up. He knew that Felix was trying to tell him something important and private. Felix leaned in to the older. "I know we need to search for Minho hyung, but there is someone else we need to find too" he said. Hyunjin gave him a questioning look, allowing Felix to continue speaking. "Changbin's close friend has gone missing, and I think the two incidents are related in a way". Hyunjin nodded.

"Let's discuss this somewhere more private" he said. Felix agreed. They both stood up from the table and told the others they had to talk to a teacher. They exited the cafeteria while making sure no one was following them and went into an empty classroom.

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