Distancing part 3

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⚠️Abuse and mentions of blood⚠️

Instant pain shot through him as he started regaining control of his hurting body. Every single muscle and bone felt like it was getting destroyed over and over again, no matter how much time passed. He felt like vomiting, yet he couldn't bring himself to as there was nothing in his stomach other than blood; he probably hadn't eaten or drank in days.

Loud steps echoed through the dark room.

"Are you finally awake, Seungmin?" a deep and threatening voice asked.

Seungmin dreaded nothing more than that voice. Every time he heard it, his body started uncontrollably shaking out of pure fear and terror.

"Hmm, what's this? Can't speak?" the voice resonated once again against the thick walls. "Maybe I beat you too hard last round"

Seungmin could hear the way the man was smirking as he said the last sentence, and he started seeing the memories of the previous beating flashing through his unstable mind.

Memories of fists hitting against his face, stomach, legs, arms...you name it! He could still vividly remember every single one as if it was happening this instant. Every single punch and kick that he had received the last few days would forever be engraved in his mind.

Steps could once again be heard as the man started approaching the half unconscious boy laying on the ground. In an instant, Seungmin felt a tight grip on his hair, slowly pulling up on his feet. Normally, he would have been screaming in pain and agony, but not this time. There was no longer any pain. The feeling of the man's touch was barely even there anymore. Seungmin was losing more and more feelings in his entire body, and he had never been more thankful for anything in his life. No feelings, no pain.

"Hehe, you look dead! Should I maybe help you wake up a little?" the man asked, and the beaten boy was already preparing himself for what would happen next.

Not even a second later, Seungmin felt his back hit against the hard wall with enough force to break a rib or two. Luckily, most of his ribs on that side were already broken, so he didn't have to worry about anything breaking again.

He landed on the cold floor with his body trembling even more than before. His eyes had been open the entire time, yet he hadn't seen anything other than the tears blurring his vision.

"Haha! And you boys actually thought you had a chance at killing me! You really thought that I had just gone into hiding in fear as you killed my friends one by one. You really thought I was that dumb?!" the man asked with a voice that sounded more and more psychotic.

"Sh-shut up, Sungjin" Seungmin managed to spit out, although it sounded more like a choke than anything else.

"Or what? Your little idiot friends will kill me? Haha! Please, don't make such funny jokes like that, I'll die of laughter before your friends even find you!" the man said, and Seungmin had to hold in tears as he remembered his friends.

He started wondering how they were doing right now, if they were even searching for him. We're they safe? Had they been eating properly? Was Sungjin planning on doing anything to them?

The last thought sent shivers through his body, and sadly his crazy kidnapper seemed to have noticed.

"What? Worried about your friends?" the man asked in a cooing voice. "Don't worry, I won't do anything to them directly! But, how do you think they would react if their precious missing friend died? Hmm? Wouldn't that be fun to see! Their faces as they realised that they have failed to protect their friend and that they've lost him forever!" The man was shouting at this point, and Seungmin couldn't help but cry.

"P-please, don't" he whispered in desperation.

The man walked over to Seungmin who was still laying on the ground, and crouched down besides him.

"Too bad you won't be there to see it" the man whisperer into the beaten boy's ear. And before he knew it, the world went black once again.

(a/n) I've never written a scene like that before, but it was honestly really fun! I'm sorry I had to put Seungmin through that tho :/


The house

Everyone was in full panic mode. While Jisung, Felix and Jeongin were cuddled up on the sofa crying nonstop, Chan, Changbin, Minho and Hyunjin were working their asses off finding information and hints that could maybe lead them to Seungmin.

The boy had been missing for almost three days, and had left no traces when he disappeared.

When Jisung had disappeared, Chan and Changbin had felt like their world was coming to an end. And now that Seungmin was gone, they were in the same state. Just this time, they were seven boys left to help and console each other.

They had no idea where Seungmin was, or why he was gone. All they knew was that he had been in a rush as he left the school at lunch time. The last person who saw Seungmin had seen him running into the JYPE building, still in uniform.

After that, nothing. The seven remaining boys had obviously tried asking the staff, but none of them had seen the missing boy that day, which was quite suspicious since he would've stood out a lot with his bright yellow uniform inside the building. He had even entered from the main entrance.

There also seemed to be something wrong with the company's camera footage, it looked fake or manipulated. If the boys had installed their own cameras just the day before, they would have maybe had a bigger shot at finding their missing friend.

Everyone was in a state of regret and stress, but the one who was handling this the worst, was Hyunjin.

He felt like this whole situation was his fault. That if he hadn't acted the way he did towards Seungmin by dragging him into a classroom and screaming at him, none of this would've happened. He hadn't slept or eaten in days, and all he could think about was Seungmin. He hadn't managed to talk to any of the other boys about his feelings. Not even his own boyfriend.

"Damn it! I don't know what to do anymore!" Chan broke down and hit the computer keyboard. The other three boys in the room looked up at their sleep deprived leader.

"Hyung, calm down. Screening isn't going to help anyone" Changbin said as he put a hand on Chan's shoulder. "I know that you're blaming yourself as the leader here, but you need to take a step back and relax. If you get impatient, everyone here will get impatient as well" he said.

"I know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled like that" the leader said as he pinched his forehead. "I just, I hate this! I've never felt so hopeless before. Not even when Jisung disappeared."

Changbin was about to speak again, but got interrupted as Hyunjin's phone started ringing.

"I'll take this one" he said as he grabbed his phone and exited the room.

"Hello?" he asked annoyed through the phone. Who was interrupting his valuable time that he could've used to get closer to finding his missing friend?

"Hyunjin? Are...are you okay?" a very familiar voice asked through the phone.

"Daehwi? Why are you calling? Is everything alright?" Hyunjin asked worriedly. This was the most he had ever spoken in the last few days, but he couldn't help but as he noticed his friends very concerned voice.

"Umm, well...has Seungmin by any chance been missing the last few days?" Daehwi asked.

"Yeah...how did you know?!" Hyunjin asked shocked. They hadn't told anyone that Seungmin had been missing, and none of them had been at school. How in the world did Daehwi figure it out?

"So, the thing is, I- no we, we know where Seungmin is..."

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