Jeongin's secret part 1

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(a/n) Everything in this chapter happens during the same evening/night. It may seems like there's time skips but it's only to a few hours later at most.


Although he appeared to be lacking quite a few braincells, Hyunjin was in fact not stupid. Not at all. He was a specialist at collecting information and manipulating people. He was a spy, but in broad daylight.

Hyunjin could feel his body filling up with excitement as he walked down the street. An excitement he had missed deeply. He had missed this feeling, the feeling he got whenever he was about to discover something. It made him feel the adrenaline in his body like nothing else could make him feel.

Honestly, he knew better than to invade Jeongin's privacy when both him and Chan clearly didn't want Hyunjin to do so, yet Hyunjin couldn't help but want to dig deeper into this. He used to resent that part of himself, but lately, thanks to his new friends, he had been able to embrace it and love it.

Hyunjin already had a faint idea of where Jeongin was, but was yet to confirm it as some things just didn't add up. The most probable answer was that Jeongin was just on an assassination mission, and that's why he had to leave. But then why would Chan try and hide it? It's not like anyone would be shocked or shame him for it, so why would Chan try and cover for him?

Hyunjin decided to not question it further as he was going to figure it out sooner or later anyways. He already had his plan all planned out as he stepped into the first café he saw.


"So, remind me again. What do you need this information for?" Yeri asked her brother as she handed him some documents.

"I guess I'm just curious about him. He's been living with us for some time now, yet I feel like I still don't know that much about him. I think him and Chan are trying to hide stuff, and you know me. I won't just sit back and let them hold secrets" Hyunjin explained as he grabbed the papers and started reading through them.

He could feel Yeri's suspicious look on him.

"You have a crush on him don't you?" She asked like it was the most casual thing ever, and Hyunjin swore that if he had had coffee in his mouth, it would have been all over their table in that moment.

" did you know?" he asked, admitting to Yeri's suspicions.

"Chan told me you had a crush on someone. And then I think Jeongin is really your type, so I kinda just guessed it was him that Chan was talking about" she explained, taking another sip from her coffee.

"I....I don't know whether I should be scared of the fact that you and Chan talk about my crushes or the fact that you know my type so well" Hyunjin admitted with big eyes. Yeri gave him a smirk in reply, and Hyunjin went back to reading the documents.

After he had entered the cafe, he had immediately contacted his sister ,Yeri, to ask her to get him some documents about Jeongin. She had joined him in the cafe an hour later with some documents that 'might interest him'.

"This is....what is this?" Hyunjin asked as he showed one of the documents to his sister.

"That's his mission schedule. I found it while sneaking around the head quarters. It doesn't contain a lot as you can see, but it does says that Jeongin in fact has a mission today" she explained, and Hyunjin hummed in response.

It was as he had predicted.

"Do you have any information surrounding this mission?" he asked after having read through the schedule document once more.

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