Spy part 2

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Felix couldn't risk entering the apartment now, since he didn't know what was going on behind the door. Changbin could be standing right behind it for all he knew, so he decided to hide behind a big plant that was on the same floor until he was certain everyone in the apartment was asleep.

Felix felt so bad for doing this. He was invading his boyfriend's privacy, and he hated it. Him and Hyunjin had promised themselves not to do this ever again, yet here he was, tagging his boyfriend all the way to his apartment.

Felix was also scared. Scared of what Changbin could possibly be hiding from him, that was necessary to lie entirely about his address. He even faked having to take the bus. Felix was scared that whatever he would find behind that door, would forever change his relationship with Changbin. And what would he do if he got caught? That would be the end of him.

He had been waiting for a few hours, and it was now past 1 am. He quietly made his way to the door and started inspecting the lock. It wasn't a normal lock. It was one of those high-quality ones that were impossible to break or open by force. Felix reached for his special tool in his bag. It was a thin metal strip that helped him open locks without breaking them that he had saved since his spying days.

Once the door was open, he snuck into the big apartment as silently as he possibly could, which meant he was not making any sound at all. Not even his breathing. He was faced with a short hall which led to a HUGE living room. Seriously. He had not expected Changbin to be that rich, judging by his basic black clothes. He immediately started his search for a clue.

The inside looked relatively normal, except for the super expensive furniture of course. There was a huge window that covered almost an entire wall with a view of the city buildings, and on the other side there were a bunch of pictures hanging either on the wall or standing on furniture. The pictures were all of the same three people. Changbin, Jisung and the third he assumed was Chan. Some pictures looked very recent, while some looked like they dated back from almost ten years ago. These guys had been together for a really long time.

Felix smiled when he saw all of 3racha's albums on a bookshelf, decorated with 3racha stickers and logos. Now he was certain that his boyfriend had indeed good taste in music. He was also surprised by this, because his boyfriend had never talked about them. If Felix knew Changbin liked 3racha, he would have allowed himself to talk about them more. They were his favourite rappers after all. 

He continued inspecting the big living room and went on to the computer that was placed in the corner, just before the kitchen. It was still on, which meant someone had been using it recently. This was perfect for Felix. He approached the computer to look at its content. The screen showed a word document with blurry pictures and key words written on it. He started reading some of the key word which included stuff like:

- Han Jisung

- Hae

- Concert

- Assassin?

The last one sent shivers through Felix's body, but it was nothing compared to what he saw next. The pictures on the screen were too blurry to recognize anyone on them, but Felix couldn't not recognize himself. Most of the pictures were very blurry iPhone shots of Minho during the performance, and in some of them, Felix and Hyunjin could be seen dancing in the background. Had he not remembered their outfits for that day, Felix would have had no chance of recognizing them. Underneath there were written words like:

- Danceracha

- 11:46

- Lee Know

Felix had no doubt anymore. The two incidents were connected, and Changbin and Chan knew that Minho had something to do with it. Luckily for him, it didn't look like Changbin and Chan knew Lee Know's real identity, or even his face for that matter. But if they somehow found out Felix was in Danceracha, he would without doubt receive a lot of questions.

So, Minho and Jisung had indeed both disappeared at the same moment and place, and if Felix's and Hyunjin's theory about Minho targeting Jisung were right, Jisung was probably the one in danger. That was unless a third party was involved. Now Felix needed to know why Minho was targeting him.

Felix had to admit that for a bunch of stinky rich teenagers, Changbin and Chan had done a suspiciously good job at amassing information concerning Jisung's disappearance. That could mean two things: Changbin, Chan and Jisung were very talented hackers, or it was something even worse. Something Felix was now fearing.

Felix didn't want to mess up the computer records and he was too out of shape to try hacking it. Therefor he left the computer on the same page. He started making his way to the staircase, when something weird caught his attention on the small table beside the sofa. The closer he got to the table, the more his stomach started spinning around. He honestly didn't want to look at the object, but for the sake of his friend and boyfriend, he had to.

Felix didn't even have to pick it up to know what it was. He had seen and read those hundreds of times before. His heart shattered in a million pieces. All he needed was to see the big logo stamped on the front page of the document: TWICE assassination.


Seungmin's house

Jisung woke up after unintentionally falling asleep in Lee Know's arms. Now, Seungmin was literally sleeping on him, but Lee Know wasn't there anymore. He didn't want to wake up the sleeping boy, so he moved out of his grip as slowly and let him sleep on the sofa instead. He put a blanket on him and then silently went out of the living room to search for his kidnapper.

Jisung had searched the entire first and second floor and was ready to give up on finding the older, when he remembered the house also had a lower floor.

As he walked down the stairs, he could hear faint music coming from one of the rooms. The lower floor included a bathroom, two guest rooms, a recording studio and a dancing studio. The music was coming from the dancing studio, so Jisung assumed Lee Know was dancing.

Suddenly he felt very excited. He had only seen the older dance once before, and that was at the performance with fans yelling and jumping all over the place. He really wanted to see him dance up close, and he got what he wanted. He quietly opened the door and stepped into the room. Lee Know was way too focused on his dancing to see the younger making his way to the back of the studio, where he sat down and leaned against the wall while admiring the beautiful sight in front of him.

Lee Know was dancing and humming to a song that Jisung recognized as black sawn by BTS. The older fit perfectly the concept of the song, and Jisung could feel the strong aura and emotions that the dancer was emitting. Jisung felt like he entered a trance once again. He couldn't focus on anything but Lee Know, and he was not paying any attention to his surroundings. All he could think about was the beautiful dancer in front of him, and he cursed himself as he fell even deeper in love with him. 

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