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Chan and Changbin were on their way home from the JYPE building. They had just had a meeting with JYP about Jisung's disappearance and how they were going to find him. Jisung was an important asset to JYP entertainment and TWICE assassination, so they were definitely not going to give up on him anytime soon. They owed him that much. Chan and Changbin had gotten the authorization to search for their teammate instead of doing missions, which gave them a lot more time and space.

The walk home was silent. It was a sad and heavy silence. They didn't have anything to talk about, and both were scared that even the simplest conversation would remind them that their friend is missing. The three of them had always been together, and now that one was missing the atmosphere felt unnatural and awkward.

Chan opened the door to their apartment and locked it after Changbin had entered. They went to the living room in silence and sat down on their usual spots.

"So? What do we do now?" Changbin asked the leader, with a slightly desperate voice.

"I think we should investigate further on Hae Seungmin. Something about him doesn't sit right with me" Chan answered the younger, who was giving him a confused look.

"What do you mean? Have you met him?" Changbin asked, as he didn't understand why Chan would think that.

"No" he said. "That's exactly the point. I have never seen him or heard anything about him before this mission. I checked all the official documents, and he's always there. But when I check unofficial records or pictures of his so called 'family', he's never there."

"Wait... so you're saying he might not exist?" Changbin asked, and Chan nodded. A heavy silence fell upon them once again. Both had realized what this could mean, but Changbin said it first.

"Jisung was set up, wasn't he?" he said with a quietly. Chan didn't need to say anything. He just remained silent as he weighted the possibility.

"Our only clue to 'Hae Seungmin' and Jisung, is the dancer that disappeared along with them" the leader said. Changbin started to feel an uneasy feeling as he mentioned dancer.

"Felix said his friend went missing at a concert too. I couldn't be..." he whispered to himself, but Chan noticed.

"Hmm? Did you say something?" the older asked, but Changbin just denied.

"It's nothing" he said, and completely brushed of the thought.

Not long after, the two friends were on their computers and phones searching for information about the missing dancer. They only managed to find his stage name, Lee Know, and a bunch of very blurry pictures taken of him during the concert. He was in the dance team named Danceracha. The one 'Hae Seungmin' was going to see that night.

The longer they searched for him, the more seemed off. They couldn't find any information or good pictures of him and the two other dancers. They had no idea what the other two were named or who they were, and all they knew about the missing dancer was his stage name. It all seemed too fishy, as if some hacker had gone and deleted all the information about them.

"I found something!" Chan yelled after three long hours, catching Changbin's attention across the room. He quickly ran over to the older.

"What is it? Did you find him?" Changbin asked excitedly. Chan nodded and smiled proudly.

"You'll never believe what I found and where I found it" he said, making the younger even more curious. He remained silent and just giggled for another minute, as a way to tease the younger who kept nagging him to disclose this new information. Soon enough, he gave in.

"Okay okay, I'll tell you" Chan said and put up his hands in defeat. "So, I couldn't find any information about him on the usual records, so I decided to take a long shot and look at our own company's records." He took a short pause to make sure the other was following. Changbin was looking at him with hopeful eyes. "And there I found him. Lee Know" Chan said as he opened a tab on his laptop, which showed indeed a record by their company about Lee Know. "He has done a joint mission with one of our agents before, which was all written here. He's from Girin assassination, and is one of the best assassins they have. I still haven't found any personal information about him though" Chan explained.

At first, Changbin was relieved to finally have some clue, but then it hit him. "That means, Jisung was maybe targeted by another assassin?" he asked, and his excitement quickly faded. Chan put a hand on his shoulder.

"He's not dead, trust me. It would have been obvious if he was killed. He was most likely just kidnapped or threatened by this Lee Know, but I'm sure he's safe" he reassured the younger.

"Okay, so what do we know so far?" He asked the leader to sum up once he had calmed down.

"Jisung was kidnapped by another assassin named 'Lee Know'. We don't know why, or if he did it for his company or privately. He is probably working with a hacker who created a fake person: Hae Seungmin. We know that he's a dancer, and we also know that he's located in Seoul. He dances in a dance team called Danceracha. That's all we know so far". Chan summed up everything they knew. Changbin hummed.

"That's great. We know a lot. But what do we do now?" Changbin asked the older, who just shook his head to show he had no idea.


Felix and Hyunjin were back in their apartment. They were now standing in front of Minho's bedroom, ready to enter it for the second time.

"What are we looking for?" Felix asked as they went in and faced the ordinary looking room.

"I don't know? Anything really. Something we didn't see before or some indication of where he is" Hyunjin answered.

Felix crawled down to see underneath the bed again, but found no difference since last time. All the boxes were still there, meaning Minho didn't take a gun with him. Hyunjin was looking through papers on Minho's desk, and found something interesting.

"Well, I guess that confirms your theory, Felix" he said as he pulled out a picture that was laying underneath some books and useless documents. Felix looked up at him confused. Hyunjin handed him the picture so he could see for himself. It was a picture of Han Jisung.

"You don't think..." Felix looked up at the older.

"If Minho is an assassin, Jisung could have been his next target" Hyunjin concluded.

The two friends were uncomfortable with the idea of their hyung killing someone they knew, but they still continued their search. Soon after they found a box of knives, whereas one was missing. This confirmed their suspicions once again. Minho had already, or was soon going to kill Han Jisung.


(a/n) I know this chapter had no minsung, but I promise the next chapters will focus more on them!

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