Part 3:Virgin ears

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Jaspers POV

"DIngggg" ugh stupid alarm, why cant it still be the weekend.My thoughts were interrupted by my mom's voice "Jasper hunny get up, you have school" "I know mom I'm up" I reply back. With the feeling of dread I get up and get ready for another horrible day of school. I walk into the bathroom and hop in the shower, after that I brush my teeth and put my cloths on which consist of a pair of black skinny jeans and a oversized black hoodie. On my way downstairs the smell of pancakes hit me "smells good mom" "thanks hunny, hurry up and eat before your late to school" she replies "yes mamn" I replied back. After im done eating I hop in my car and speed off to school. Ok so maybe I didn't really speed, more like I went 45, the speed limit is actually 55 but you know the saying, safety before speed.

"Morning Jasper" the teacher greets me while I make my way to my seat in the back "morning Mrs. Stubbs" I mumbled back. When I reach my seat I take my books out and sit them on my desk, just as I sit back up from zipping my bag my books go flying off my desk. For a minute I thought I had telekinesis but lucky for me it was just my everyday bullies. I look up and see one of the jock's named jason standing there with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face "looks like you droped your books there Hogan" "is that what happened to your brain?" I mumbled back "whats that you said" he replies back "nonthing" I respond "thats what I thought church boy" he grunts out. well then.

I was in the middle of jotting down notes when the bell sounded letting me know that first period was over. It was finally lunch time. I made my way outside and met my two buds Jessie and James "Hey man" they greeted me in unison and we did the whole guy handshake thing.

"Dude im telling you she was freaking hot" "dude James aint lying, you should have seen that a.." I cut jessie off before he could finish his sntence. "DUDE your scaring my virgin ears, If you go any further my dads going to beat the non virginess out of my ears until they turn virgin again" I quickly told him before he had the chance to taint my inoccence. They both just sat there and stared at me and then busted out laughing "Dude, you need to get a girlfriend" Jessie replied "Ok im leaving" I replied standing upas the bell rung, great only one class to go.

Two hours later I was sitting at home reading my bible for next sundays cermon. "Hey son" my dad said as he walked in "Hey" I replied "how was school" he asked "fine" I replied "good. Well me and your mom are going over to the Jhonsons for dinner, theres food in the fridge" "yes sir" I replied. With that they left and I finished my reading. I think im going to take a nap.

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