scarface of the gorillas:49

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Jaspers POV

Ok so after almost getting devoured by scarface of the gorillas, having my note read by karson, and then having an intense argument about icecream we finally made it to her house and let me tell you Karson is hyped up on pain pills. If she even remembers today tomarrow I will be insanly surprise. She is currently sitting on the couch beside me yelling lala loopsey and running her fingers through my hair while pulling out a few strands as she goes, which I may add is scaring me just a bit right now. "umm How many of those pain pills did you take?"

"hehe only the two you gave me.... pluse one hehe"

"well thats healthy, here drink some coffee"

"But I dont like coffe"

"I know but I like my hair"

"Yeah me to, I really really like your hair, it's so soft. like a babys bottom"

"ha ok whatever you say Karson now be a good girl and drink your coffee"

"yea I am a good girl and I am going to drink that coffe"

then she hurridly picks up the mug and takes a big gulp of the scolding hot louqid but yet not to make one flich, not even an eye twitch. "ahh refreshing, I think I want to jump on my trampoline"

"Karson wait up you dont have a trampoline!" just as I was about to reach Karson she dodged out of my way and ran to what I am assuming is her room. She hops on her bed and starts rapidly jumping up and down. "come'on jassy jump with me!!!!"

"my name is not jassy, you know this Karson"

"stop being uptight and jump with me" and then she starts screaming until I give into her conning ways. "ok ok geez stop screaming"


just then she grips my arm and pulls me up to the bed where she joyfully jumped and where I consiously bounced not wanting to make her fall, but Karson being Karson got a little to excited and tryed to gracfully do a flip and fell anyway. Thank goodness she didn't get hurt.

"oh my gosh are you ok"

"yea im good, im just going to sleep here" umm ok then. I was just about to answer her until she started snoring so I lifted her up onto the bed and pulled the covers over her head and then went down stairs into the living room and took my own little nap onto the couch.
Soo yeah about that nap, it was going great until I felt some kind of cold liquid dripping down my face. I woke up and felt my soaking wet face and looked up to see the devil himself reincarnated aka Karson standing over my face with a cup in her hand while she's making this face like as if saying why were you born. "Eww what was that!?" I franticly asked "why would you pour water on my face" or atleast what I was hoping was water.
"Oh dont be a baby and bacuse you are suppose to be looking after me and by the way that wasn't water" she replies. Should I be scared? I think I should.
"I see your off your high. and what was that!"
"cat pee"
"I was kidding geez it's only freshly squized lemmonade"
"humm tastey, anyway what do you need my queen"
"for you to leave"
"no can do"
"fine lets play 20 questions"
"ok you go first"
"whats your favorote fruit?"
"Watermellon, whats your favorite food all together"
"pizza, whats your genre in music"
"any type of Rock N roll, have you ever broken anything"
"my arm, whats your favorite scent"
"umm I would have to go with vanilla"
"whats your favorite song"
"it's" just as she was about to answer the ringing from my phone intterupted her. Just as I answered the person hung up, I realized the number as maddies.
I tried to call her back but there was no answer. I sliped my hands into my pocket and felt something like paper. I pulled it out and realized it was my note to my penpal. Karson saw it and asked "whats that" apparently she doesn't remember anything from the time we left the hospital because of her pills she took. "just a note, ill be right back"
"ooh a note from your lover"
"sure" I went and sent the letter to my penpal so I wouldn't forget it later. Oh yeah I asked my penpal to prom because theres this side to me that really wants to no who she is and the theres this side of me that is like I might have waited until the last minute to find a date and asked on impulse so yea. Story of my life.
When I walked back into the Kellers home music was blasting and Karson was singing and what looks like practicing some epic dance routine. Most of her dance involved hip swings and other movements dealing with hips or with the stomach area. The song she was danceing to was Beautiful Liar:

Ay, Ay, Ay
Nobody likes being played
Beyonce, Beyonce
Shakira, Shakira (hey)

[Beyonce] He said I'm worth it, his one desire
[Shakira] I know things about 'em that you wouldn't wanna read about
[Beyonce] He kissed me, his one and only, (yes) beautiful Liar
[Shakira] Tell me how you tolerate the things that you just found out about
[Shakira] You never know
[Beyonce] Why are we the ones who suffer
[Shakira] I have to let go
[Beyonce] He won't be the one to cry

as she was practicing she fell right on her posterior. I then erupted in a fit of laughter "hahaha that was seriously hilarious"
"glade that you find my pain amusing"
"only for you"
just then her aunt walkes in to taker over for the night. I did my greeting to her aunt and then said good bye to Karson and her aunt. I couldn't help but to notice the really mean look towards me on her face but yet a faint smile. I actually thought she was kina some what being nice until she through her hand up to make a very unfriendly gesture but her aunt closed the door right before my I layed my inoccent eyes on any hand gestures that were made. I got into my car and drove home. When I got home mom just sat dinner on the table. We ate and then Clair and I headed up to the game room and played some games, After lettimg Clair beat me about five times I finally decided to call it a night and head off to bed. I said my prayers and immediately fell asleep.

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