The eye of the tiger:17

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Jaspers POV
so im litterly listening to these people around me at this table talking about being a usebie and a newbie........ like what the fudge balls you guys. Ok im so ready to get out of here, Im not even in class right now im in the libary because the 300 hall is being used for the ACT testing and can you say boring! Ok only three more minutes to go you can do this tiger, remember your the eye of the tiger, your the champion DINGGGG finally! Oh Thank God! Now I can get to lunch.

"Hey guys whats up" I say to my buddys "oh you know just the ground" james replies "guess" jessie tells me "Man I swear if this is another joke about your Dinkle Doo im going to shank you with a rusty spoon" I replie and they both just stare at me "ooh you said the word swear" they both yell in unision. humm I guess I did, oh well. "and what is a Dinkle Doo" James ask me "its your, you know your area" I say, they look at me with a confused look on there faces "ok umm hello there thats your nono squar" I put in a simpler form "ohh" they say in unision as realization hits them both. After that they explode with laughter almost falling to the ground.. ok that was not even that funny... whatever......
Seriously whats wrong with people at my school is everyone this negative. Im hungry, I should have aten at lunch, I want some chicken thighs. yummy some good ole krispy brown chicken thighs man that sounds good. ugh I want some. Why are all of my thoughts so irrelavent, mhm I guess we will never know. Ok Im going home now, dont worry im not skiping the bell to go home just rung so im free to go. Yippie!
Hum I think I should go ahead and open the message from my penpal so i'll do that now

"why hello my fellow poor person that Im now stuck with writting to me for the rest of the school year or else you fail, there are a few fun facts you should know about me ... for one thing im a 40 year old man who has a 10 foot male sex organ who enjoys sleeping with teddy bears at night, two theres no reason that you should go running to your teacher to tell her/him they made a mistake because they didnt and you read my sentence above wrong, you just reread my statement, and now your smiling because i tricked you and you still think your writing to a pervert"

Well thats comforting to know, I dont know weather to be scared and disturbed. well now I need somthing to get that image put of my mind Oh I know a movie and popcorn! woopwoop lets get it started in here. wow I really need to get some more friends, or a girlfriend but its just so hard to pick bacause you know im a ladys man and all and I just have so many choices. Ha thats funny.
ok I decides that im going to watch some Nemo!! Oh yeah im going old school.
Thats how I roll.... No im litterly rolling right now, you see what had happen was I was laughing at the part where the shark said fish are friends not food hahah so funny right. Just then I hear clair "Are you watching nemo?"
I hurry up and turn the TV off and replie "what,No, I would never watch that baby show" but I think she knew I was lying because all off a sudden she started to belt out "Jasper likes Nemo" over and over again, oh great now everyone is going to hear about this. Gotta love life.

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