buggy racing:15

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Jaspers POV
so Im currently sitting in chorus fingering my mouth with 3 fingers. "Open them jaws class" so we opened our jaws wider "Now sing"! ahh dont you just love music.
yay Home sweet home. "hunny can you go and pick me up some dragon fruit for my cake hun" mom asked "sure thing mom" you see I have to drive down town to get this for my mom because our store doesnt sell it.
So jessie and James decided to join me and currently we are racing "woah slow down" James yell and thats when I ran into her

"dude watch were your buggy is running... like put a leash on it or something" she replied

"umm sorry... yeah um yeah sorry...my bad umm..soooo... you have a name" I say

"do i look like someone that would have a name to you creep... besides if youll excuse me ima finish stealing these items" she replied and ran out of the store "well who popped her cherry" I hear james whisper "eww guys keep it clean, remember preachers kid over here" I say and head to the ile that I needed to go on.
"Mom Im home and I got your dragon fruit" I call out to my mom "Im in the kitchen hunny" mom replies back. "Jasper come play with me" Clair beggs me "ok ok I will" so 20 mins later I standing in my little sisters room in a hot pink tutu and a pink bowa and my hair all willy nilly with lots and lots of makeup. yep this is the life. "comeon Jasper smile" Clair tells me draging out the comeon. "clair I dont wanna play anymore" I tell my little sister "pweesss" she whines "how about I give you some Ice Cream in instead" I say because I rally hate seeing my little sister sad "yay" she beams. So I made me and her a big bowl of ice cream and drowned myself on my thoughts.

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