K dog swag keller:78

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Jaspers POV

What the fudge licks just happened?... Did I just confess that I liked Karson to Karson.. Did I just confess to myself.?... My life from here on out will be hell! yep I just got played by Ms.MR K dog swag Keller... Okay Karson you wanna play, let's play.

Before the games begin I should probably fill you in on what happened this morning. I woke up to my aunt Cathy stnding over me with her cat stumpy

"Hey aunt Cathy what are you doing here"

"I think I should ask you that Hogan"

"umm hehe"

"don't hehe me MR, you my dear netphew are suppose to be behind bars until your parents come back"

"I'm sorry but my friend bailed me out, and I didn't even know that she was gonna do it and and and"

"okay calm down boy, I'll ake you a deal, you invite your girlfriend over for dinner and i'll tell your parents I bailed you out"

"Really?! Thanks aunt Cathy, you really are the best fam"

"yea yea but I better meet that girlfriend of yours"

"ha umm Aunt Cathy she not my girlfriend"

"I said girlfriend Jasper, oh and come home!" she yells through the door walking out

oh this is going to be interesting. Later that day my parents came back home and gave me a lecture on violence but other than that every thing went fine, but I guess that's because they were guilty about giving me and Clair the news of them getting a separation. Truthfully I couldn't be happier, after that I had to hear all about Clairs stay with JoJo, Tatelyn, and her little sister. I then decided to go to the mall and well, that happened.

Right now I'm standing on Karsons door step waiting for someone to answer. RIng RIng RIng RIng .. "hello" the door opend revealing Mr. Keller

"hello sir umm I'm here for Karson, is she in?"

"yes she is"

"could you tell her that her boyfriend Jasper is here" his eye grew slightly larger but he called her down saying "Karson your boyfriend Jasper is here to see you" at that comment I heard mumbles and groans, I couldn't help but laugh at her

"Dad what are you talking about" she then turns to see my face gracing her view

"eww what are you doing her loser" her dad glares at her and then says

"Now Karson Faith Keller, that's is a nice young respectable man right there, treat him right, unlike your other boyfriends I like him, it was nice too see you again son" at that he winks at me and then walks back into the living room.

"Jasper Chace you better explain to me why you are here at this time of the day and why my dad thinks you are my boyfriend"

"well that my dear would because you are coming to dinner with me and I told him that I was you byfriend oh and its's only five, which means we have an hour before dinner, so get ready, oh and look pretty for me please thanks."

"are you on drugs.........?"

"umm possibly now go get ready"

"well no matter how much I would love two go to dinner with you I just cant do it Jasper, you see my dad just got back and I'm sure her wouldn't be happy if I left already." she replies with a smirk

"well don't worry i'll ask him for you, Hey Mr. Keller would you mind if I took Karson out tonight"

"sure son just have her back by 11:00 tonight"

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