76 Wake up

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Karson Pov

-insert a yawn here with a stretch-

"uggh, where am I at, and why cant I feel my legs?" I ask my myself waking up ... then I realized that I am in my living room on my couch ... but that still doesn't explain why I can't feel my legs ... I mean sure I sprained my ankle last night at the party but its not a broken leg or anything like that ... and im pretty sure I went to sleep on the couch last night after watching my friends dance so I know I wasn't walking on it so it couldn't have gotten any worse... but then again I was drinking and I wouldn't remember anything else anyway... besides the fact that I magically woke up in my bed this morning

anywho ... I glanced around and noticed that Jasper was the reason I couldn't feel my legs

why you ask?

well that's because he's cuddled up to them as if they were his favorite teddy bear or something...... in other words his fat butt is squishing my legs again ... which is not helping my foot at all now that the pain killers are wearing off that I picked up after I going to the doctor to make sure It wasn't anything serious ... thankfully its just a sprain and should be healed in a week or so ... meaning I can walk fine just no dancing or running for a while

since it feels as if a knife is being stabbed into my leg .. I figure its a good idea to wake Dinkledoo up

so I first try to kick him with my good foot ... but that doesn't help any and he just holds on tighter... so then I look around to find something to hit him with and cant find anything but a marker since my coffee table was moved last night to make our dance floor ... so lets practice our artistic abilities shall we

first I poke his face to make sure that hes completely asleep ... no response ... so then I outline his eyes as if to make him look like he's gothic... which works really well since its a black marker... then I put a few dots on his ears to make him look like he's got studs ... and finally I draw a webbed heart on his bicep since its the first thing that came to mind... and then a cross formed out of swords... which I thought looked pretty sick if I could say so myself ... so I fished my phone out of my pocket and take a picture of my art work before slapping jasper on his arm to wake him up ... of course after I threw the marker into a corner

"wake up you egit ... your hurting my foot" I say as I hit him again

"huh, who goes there?"

"its Karson, Darth Vador , now get your big tail off of my legs ... before you finish breaking them"

"oh, oh no im on a couch with a girl ... and we were asleep ... this cant be happening ... I wasn't ready .... I wasn't ready ... my mom is going to castrate me ... ahhhh"

"dude shut up would you I just woke up too .... and yeah your right we just slept on a couch together ... and if you don't get off of me your momma might have some help"

"pew ok im ok I still have clothes on" he says as he finally stands up and pats himself down

"finally ... geez I can finally feel my legs again ... op op wait a min .... ouch ouch .... uggh I hate it when my legs fall asleep... thanks a lot ya boob"

"hold on im not a boob .. only you have those .. and I didn't make you legs fall asleep"

"im glad to know that you passed biology there Jassy and yes yes you did ... when I woke up you were cuddled up to my legs and half laying in them"

"oh so that's why I slept so good" ... he says under his breath ... "oh well you see Karson when your asleep your mind has a mind of its on and it wasn't my choice for you to have your legs on your couch now was it missy?" he says louder

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