62 ice cream makes up

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Karson Pov

do you know the muffin man? the one that lives in my stomach? im afraid not... for I do not eat muffins my dear ginger bread man.... but however im am very well known by the cupcake cake man and the chip man ... the chocolate chip man at that .... do you know what that means my dear ginger bread man?.... no .... it means im gonna eat you mwahahahaha

Knock Knock Knock

who is seriously disturbing my sleep right now ... when im still not over the fact that Jasper and I fought last night and also with this really annoying constant pain on the right side of my head... along with the darn hangover I am still recovering from

so I fall onto my knees from my bed ... not thinking and start to crawl to the stairs then I stand up to walk down them because I don't feel like making my head ache any worse ... when I get downstairs I check my window to see who it is before I answer

and guess who it was the one and only i wanna stick my face to maddies all night Dinkledoo with a bag full of only he knows what .... but you know what I cant have him knowing im mad at him so I decided to go ahead fine out what he wanted and opened the door

blahh blahh blahhh

oh that's so nice he brought me ice cream ... I think ill just take that and get him on his way

so I took the ice cream and slamed the door in his face .... I know I know I have so many hospitality skills

and with that being done I decided to go watch tv and eat this bag full of ice cream that Dinkledoo felt obligated to bring me in my living room since I was too lazy to go all the way back upstairs to my room

whyyyyy do they never have anything to watch on tv .... seriously though news people school is out teens are at home bored to death and no one watches the news anymore

so since there obviously wasn't anything on tv if you couldn't figured that out from my rant I decided to read a book instead .... yes I was indeed that bored ... although if I ever do start reading I become a major book nerd so I try not to ever read

vmmmm vmmmm vmmmm

vmmmmm vmmmmm vmmmm

vmmmm vmmm vmmmmm

so in the world is stupid enough to constantly text me while I am reading my book uggh I'm seriously about to throw this phone across America ... although that wouldn't work because someone would see a flying phone and catch it ... then bye bye phoney

"hey Kar sorry to interrupt your boredom but I was thinking that we should do something tonight" -Tatelyn

"hey Karson did you want to do something tonight theres nothing on tv so I know your just reading" -Cage

"hey Kar you know you could respond a little quicker ... I think I could die of boredom right now"-Tatelyn

ohh what lovely friends I have knowing the exact time to text me .... because honestly we all know that ive read that book like three times already and I can pretty much state it word for word because I have no life and im to lazy to go to a library to find different books

"yeah sure .... where you want to go?" I sent to both of them

"it don't matter I wouldn't mind getting a few drinks .... its been a long day" -Tatelyn

"hmm... idk I just feel like dancing and singing a bit"-Cage

"ok so me, you, and Cage/Tatelyn whichever one that isn't you will go to the Karaoke bar down the road... ok .... we can meet at my place since its the closest "

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