Hospitals and goodies:61

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Jaspers car and new tat above ...................................................

Jaspers POV

Why Did I have to drink the punch, you NEVER drink the punch. Ugh It has been four hours since I have found the tattoo that is currently palced on my left hip bone and it is slowly and painfully killing me and aleave is not doing any magic tricks so far. As for right now im laying on my bed listening to the Rolling stones and watching the big colorful dots from my disco ball on my ceiling go by. As I lay here I cant help but to think about Karson and I, I hate the we had thag fight because before it seemed as if we were actually warming up to each other, well excluding our little fusses, disagreements and Karson obssesion with violence, but other than that things were going good. My thoughts were interupted by a vibration. uhoh "EARTHQUAKE RUUUNN" oh wait nevermind it"s just my phone letting me know I got a text "haha ahh I'm a wierdo" I check the text which said for me to call maddie. I pick up the phone and dail her number hearing it ring a couple of time before her picking up "hello cutie" a cheery voice answers "well hello there, whats up" I ask polietly "I was just wondering if u wanna mayber do something today" is'nt she just tha most down to earth person ever "sure I will puck you up in twenty minutes" I say accepting her invitation "ok see you then" I then grabe my keys and head over to Maddies. When I get there I greet her mom before she comes down stairs to where I have currently been waiting for thirty minutes. "Hey you ready" she says as she finally makes her way down "yep" I say popping the "p" as we head out I open the car door for her as she slides in. "Have I ever told you how hot this car is" she said while looking around as if this is the first time she has really tooken the time to look at it. "Thanks" I say. As I turn on some music she slips her hand into mine. This is'nt safe at all, I should be having both hands on the steering wheel not holding hands. I mean what if I wreck, all becaus I was driving with only one hand. My thoughts are broken as a question is voiced out "so where are we going" "Lazor tag" I answer with exciment "oh" she says with a grimice. Hmm well she doesnt sound to appreciative. As soon as we got there I went and bought pur tickets and headed back to Maddie where she was talking to this blond headed guy. They acted like they knew each other really good, so good that if I werent dateing her I would have thought they were a couple. I walk over to her as blondie leaves. "You ready to get our tag on" she smiles and I lead the way.

30 minutes later
"Sorry Maddie" I apologize for the fourth time as she holds a blood towl to her nose. Lets just say in the middle of our games I tripped and she came down with me but no this was not romantic becasuse when she fell on me her nose hit my chin causing it to bleed and to possibly being broken.. Well this is some date. "It's fine" she says sweetly through greeted teeth "Maddie" a nurse calls out "thats me" maddies says "the doctor will see you now" While I was waiting Jessie and James comes busting through the door with Jessie yelling in pain "AHHH OWWW OHHH OWWWW AHHH" I run over to my dear friends worried asking what happened "What happened to you" "AHH OW oh hi Jasper" He says forgetting the pain "I think I broke my arm" "how?" "Ha well James and I thought it would be a great idea dress up as clowns and fight in the middle of the park and the a bunch of angry moms attackted us" he explians "why on earth would you do that" I ask confused "because we are stupid" they answer in unison "I will not argue with that" I say out loud. They both glare at me whilr Jessie says "your a bad friend" "well good thing im not your freind and im your bestfriend" they laugh and then asked what am I doing here "so why are you here. Oh my gosh your dying! Noooo but your so young, you cant go not yet but if you do can I have your car" I just sit there and glare at him before explaining myself "No you can not have my car abd no im not dying. I am here because on mine and Maddies date I accidently hit her in the nose and she is getting it checked out" I say. Just before he got called in by the doctor he rplies with "smooth loser. I'll talk to you later" "alright man take care" and then maddie came out. Come to find out Maddies nose was only fractured.

I am not at home laying on my bed thinking about Karson. Clair comes in and sits on my bed "hey jassy whats up" "nonthing much whats up with you mumchkin" "nonthing. What are you thinking about" "Karson" I say bluntly "did yall fuss?" "Yea it was stupid" "then you should talk to her and fix it you idiot" awe aint she a sweetheart "I'll see" "Well I have to go to dance. Love you dummy" "you to clair"

Later on I found myself wanting to fix things with her so I have decided to go to her house and try to makeup with her.

knock knock. Still waiting, still waiting, still waiting, and then came the answer "why are you here and what do you want" so I just stood there with a big bag in my hand while looking at her and smiling really big "Ok Jasper tell me your reason for creeper mode and whats in the bag" "well my little kart kar im here to make amenes with you So I brought you lots and lots of yummy ice cream" "Awwe how sweet you got me ice cream" She says while grabbing the bag full of goodies "ooh lots of flavors. Well I glade you made an effort" she says and then slams the door in my in my face while still taking the ice cream. Well that went well ugh.

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