56 Pssh that's not Graffiti

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Karson Pov

Whhhhhyyyy ..... whyyyy do I have to attend school .... why do I have to be a nerd and know 99% of the stuff they are going over during exam review .... why cant I just be at home asleep or watching Boy Meets World or something other than being in this penatentry

oh yeah sorry in case you haven't realized I'm at school .... surprising I know .... but hey thanks to an idiot ... no not Jasper this time ... I was able to skip school I mean rest in a hospital room and my house for a whole week in order to recover ..... and honestly I could care less about the make up work because all weve been doing the past week or so has been review for our exam ... and plus if I need to study anything ill just ask Drew or Tatelyn for the study guides that I wont study

Like everything else in life today has a good and bad side to it... you see I have to sit in this death hole for a couple more hours and then I get to leave to go pick up Jojo for her recital tonight at Redburns High .... aka Dinkledoo's school

4 hours later

I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I believe if if I don't get out of this place I might die. ... you know when you really want to go somewhere but you can't because a bell rules you... which reminds me I get out of school in exactly one minute. .. the longest minute of my life


Yeah I know your freaking out now for no reason that's just our lame school bell that scares the freshmen every time. .. you just have to get used to it

And at this moment I'm running towards my lover.... my car. ... ready to crank him up and fly to taco bell to get me a five layer beefy bean burrito combo. ... gosh I love those things

I have now dominated my burrito and on the road again on the way to Jojos house

On the way I see the only thing that can light up my day quicker than lightening. .. what's that you ask. ... an ice cream truck of course. .. how do I react you wonder. .... only in the most civilised manner I mean I'm a teenage girl I'm not a kid anymore people

"Ice Cream Ice Cream I scream for Ice Cream Mommy Mommy I want ice cream but your not here so I'll just go jump on it and get it myself" I scream to myself

And that is exactly what I did. ... I stalked the ice cream man. ... hey when a girl wants ice cream you better buy her some ice cream or else

After robbing the ice cream man from majority of his ice cream I arrive at Jojos house and unload all of my precious babies so I can save their lives and put them in the freezer so I can make sure they're in good condition when I pick them back up after we get back from the recital

thankfully Jojo was ready and waiting for me so we can go ahead and leave so we wouldn't be as late as we already are... not my faught that the ice cream man didn't want me to steal all I mean majority of his ice cream

And were driving and were riding and were having a good ole time not complaining no blaming just having a good time. .. rocking and rolling and singing and dancing and dodging idiots who need to look where there going

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