60 headaches and arguments

38 3 4

Karson pov

ouchy ouchy ouchy it hurts it hurts so bad I hate the morning after uggghh .... I think ima go find some pain killers although I dont think its gonna help my case this time

my head is absolutely killing me I cant even feel my feet for crying out loud ... I think ima go hop in the tub for awhile maybe it will wash my pain away

24 hours earlier

ouchy ouchy ouchy it hurts it hurts ....

"Tatelyn just let me sleep a few more minutes"

"Karson Brooke Keller you have exactly 10.225 seconds to get out of that bed before I poor coffee all over you!"

"Bahahahahahahaha ..... whose Karson Brooke Keller I should meet her sometime ..... but no I will not get up I will not get up I will not get up ..... I love my bed .... hes the best boyfriend ill ever find ... don't even have to feed him ya know"

"your Karson Brooke Keller idiot ... now GET UP!!!!!"

"wow what friend are you ..... you don't even know my middle name therefore im not getting up" I say as I stick out my toungue like a kindergartener would do

"Karson GET ... hold on what? .... wait a minute Brookes not your middle name?"

" No you darn butt head my middle name is Faith now let me sleep longer so the guilt you have that is playing on your heart strings will settle so you can feel bad about not knowing your friends whole name and letting her go to the beach along while you went to work ..... GOOD ..... NIGHT"

"fine one more hour but that's it missy and im sorry again by the way about yesterday but all that matters is that im here now right .... and I must have been thinking about Forest's middle name ... but Brooke really fits ya know"

1 hour later

ouchy ouchy ouchy my eyes my eyes they hurt

"Tatelyn ...... please close the blinds its still night time obviously the suns up and it woke me up .... how rude .... can I just sleep for 15 more minutes pleaseeeeeee"

"Karson you have been saying that every single time I have tried to wake you up .... and the hour we agreed to officially ended a whole hour ago ... now come on get up we have to get you ready for tonight"

"fine .... but just because im hungry .... not because I want to get ready for the worst night of my life"

"come on Kar I know it wont be that bad .... I mean you obviously know how to dance your on a dance team for crying out loud ... and whoever the guy is would be stupid not to like you"

"yeah yeah blah blah .... you don't understand ... my tummy tells me that this night isn't going to be top notch .... and when the tummy talks we listen"

"Kar if your tummy starts talking to me im running my happy tail out of here and leaving you for it to eat ... just saying .... ever thought that your tummy is talking because it may ummmm I don't know be hungry or something"

"pssssh ... no .... im not hungry .... my tummy knows what it wants when it wants it and right now it wants the bed"

-Karsons Stomach Growls-

"mmhmm... sure ok ... keep telling yourself that ...its almost 5 so ill be downstairs fixing us some wings for supper so you can eat before you leave... while you missy go take a shower ... you have sand all in your hair" Tatelyn says as she walks out of Karson's room

ok so maybe when I came.home last night I was too tired to take a shower and get all the sand off of me... anyway I finally get out of bed and head to the bathroom to remove the sand from my head .... that would be a nice way to meet the boy ... with a sandy head

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