66 Adventurous Mysteries

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Karson Pov

ahh finally it feels so nice to finally be home.. I say to myself as I walk up the steps to my front door after walking to Kyles house from Dinkledoo's since it was only three blocks up the road which was closer than I thought, once arriving there I asked him if he could drive me home.... he said sure of course

so that leads me to where I am now ... in my house in the kitchen eating a bowl of freshly made cereal ... fruit loops to be exact incase you were wondering

after I finished my perfectly rounded fruit loops I decided it was time for me to take a shower hoping and praying that this paint will come out of my hair .... on the way to my bathroom upstairs I just so happened to glance at the calendar on the fridge that was posted by my step mom just before they left for their whole USA road trip .... which states that they should be at least in North Dakota now ... but it also states that Drake has a semester break coming up as well ... and as coming up I mean he comes home tomorrow for a whole week... speaking of which ima need to call him to find out what time he' s coming home

anyways onward to the shower

thankfully after approximately 30 minutes of just washing my hair I think I finally have all the paint out of my hair ... now I just wash over my body really quick to get the coffee residue off of me before getting out of my shower and slipping on a tank-top and a pair of basketball shorts

on the way downstairs to the couch I picked up the phone and dialed Drakes number ... hmm maybe he's not in class at the moment...

"hey bubby, are you in class?" yes I still call my brother bubby

"oh no just hanging out with a few friends at the moment... class isn't until this afternoon .... what's up .... are you ok?"

"oh ok ... and yeah I'm good ... just figured I'd call to find out what time you think you will be here tomorrow?"

"tomorrow? ... what's tomorrow? ... mom or dads birthday or your birthday ..... is grandma dead? ..... oh wait my semester break ... how could I ever forget haha"

"someone seems happy for their break ... so what time?"

"umm ... I'm not totally sure but it'll probably be around 4 or something in the afternoon ... you know I like to sleep in if I can ... I'll just call you when I'm halfway"

"okie doke pokie ... so do you just wanna meet somewhere and pick up something to eat... I know you can eat at anytime of the day"

"yeah yeah sounds great ... ill talk to you more tomorrow .... I love you sis"

"love you too ... later "


with that I decide to go downstairs to my basement to get onto my computer to YouTube some major welcome home parties and ideas

the first one I looked at was just some kid doing magic tricks on a welcome home sign........ the second one was some grannies doing some Kool-Aid shots ... seriously grandmas no alcohol is orange ....... the next video was a little more interesting though ... because I just so happened to recognize a few people ..... and this video was posted really early this morning .... so it must have happened last night ... I could see that one guy Mark that was in my English class ... then there was Courtney from chorus .... so I continued to watch it ... turns out it was Robbie's brothers welcome home party ... Robbie's a dude that goes to my school ... he's the mister popular pants ... so everyone knows him

so the same stuff was happening pretty much as it does at any party .... dancing , drinking , passing out, games , and gossip off course .... just out of curiosity I decided to click the second part of the video to see who else I could recognize ... that was until I noticed someone very familiar in fact .... it was Drew and he was dancing in a group of guys ... then he walked with one to the bar before the camera changed to some other people dancing frantically .... the video was kinda boring me right up to the point when I was going to change it until all of a sudden I see something that I don't think any girl would like to see .... another girl making out with a dude even though this girl supposingly has a boyfriend who was no where around at this moment but was instead running away from the cops with me

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