walk at the beach

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You were walking alone, heading your way on the beach. It was near to your house, so you decided to take a walk and just let the fresh wind touch your skin. As you approach the beach you saw one man, standing there, on your usual spot. He was the only one on the beach, he was standing there wearing his white polo, matched with knee shorts. All you can see was his back, his hair danced with the wind. Both of his hands were in his pocket.

You don't want to bother him, so you decided to take another place. You lay down a scarf given by your mom who you find beautiful. You sat on it, and watch the sunset. The sky was purple, pinkish, and the sun was completely captivating, together with the sound and smell of the water. It was peaceful.. You shut your eyes while letting the wind touches your bare skin.

You were wearing this gem hairclip given by your mom, you took it off and looked at it. " I miss you mom.." you whispered, remembering each moment when you were mom was there.

You continued to watch the view, staring at it. 

Time passed, and it was getting dark. So you decided to stand and take a walk, before heading to your house.

But when you were about to leave someone called your attention.

" Hey, Ms.." someone called, he has his deep and masculine voice.

You turn around to see who it is. It was that guy, staring at the waves earlier. You can't believe that someone can be this perfect, his skin was porcelain-like. He has this sharp feature, yet his eyes oppose. It was soft and warm.. He had this dimple on his cheeks, it made him more childlike. It was cute though.. but his features were manly.

" I saw this... on your spot," he said, handing you the hairclip given by your mom. You remembered putting it down earlier.

"Ohh.. thank you," you said, giving him a welcoming smile.

He just nods, you were about to leave but out of nowhere, you asked-

" Are you new here?"

His eyes went on you. His eyes were very kind and innocent.

" Yeah.. I just got a place near this wonderful beach," he looked around.

"  Ohh.. that's nice," you said, shyly but you tried your best to show that you're comfy.

" Yeah.." he said looking at you.

" So if you need a tour in this place I can give you-"

" Yeah sure,- I mean I don't know anyone else here so. It'll be great." he smiled, exposing his dimples.

You smiled at him, you were about to say goodbye when-

" Do you want to take walk..?" he asked shyly brushing his hair.

You examined him, " Don't worry I'm not a bad guy or a creepy guy, " he said.

" Ohh really?.." you joked at him, making a chuckle.

"Yeah, " he answered.

You examined him making sure if he's any that kind of guy. 

" Hmm..okay sure," you said. You stood beside him, as you two made your way on the beach. Walking there, letting the water touched your feet.

" Why did you move here.." you whispered. He was looking at the water, and you were looking at him.

" Hmm.. I just need fresh air, it was toxic back then.." he said.

You just nod, " I had this work, and it really keeping me to know more about myself. So I decided to take a break," he added, glancing at you.

" Well that a bold move though," you compliment him.

He chuckles, " So this was a vacation then?" you asked.

The was splashing on your ankle which made you quiver and the waves were hard and big, he saw that. So he went on the other side slightly moving you away from the water.

It was sweet, you thought. 

" Yeah it is a vacation," he answered.

" How did you know that I'm a newbie?" 

" Well, I haven't seen you here, especially at my spot," you answered him, politely.

" Ohh.. that was your spot?" he was shocked.

You give him a nod, and he apologized for taking your spot.

" It's not that big deal, it's just a spot," 

He looked at you, and you thought he was really good-looking. Without even knowing he was staring at you. And it was silent, but yet comfortable.

" That's very beautiful," he pointed at you're hairclip.

You looked at it and smiled.

" Well.. my mom gave it to me," you answered.

" Ohh.. is she-"

"No, she really travels a lot, you know the business. So.. I only see her once in a year," you opened up.

" Well your mom must've been lovely," he said, comforting you.

" Yeah, she is very wonderful." you smiled at him.

" We have similar eyes though," you said, oversharing.

" Really?" he asks amused.

You nod, still smiling. " Yeah, we have,"

" Well, your eyes are beautiful.." he complimented, blushing. You glance at him, who's shy.

" Well you're pink," you joked.

That made him chuckle. You two begun to share information, as you show him the place. He did confirm that he's a k-pop idol. Which made you shock and amazed. Now, you're making your way to a bbq house, which you work at.

" Well I need to.. go my job is waiting for me," you said, in front of him. He looks at you, giving you a sweet and warm smile.

" Ohh.. it was really fun talking and spending time with you. Thank you for showing me around...?" he was asking your name.

" Ohh.. Y/n," you extend your hand, he shook it.

" Jaehyun.. by the way," he smiled at you still holding your hand. 

"Ohh.. I need to-"

" Right.." he let go of your hand, slightly blushing. That made you secretly smile.

" See you around, Jaehyun," you said before entering the bbq house.

" See you..Y/n," he whispered, watching you entered the place. 

Jaehyun's POV

She's really beautiful, and honest.

I hope, I'll see her again...

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