He Sneaks to your Room

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Its 11 p.m.You were still busy doing your homework.

When you heard a noise on your balcony.

You stood up and went there,and look down and saw Jaehyun.Wearing a black hoodie and a navy blue pajamas.

You were startled,and laughing of what he looks like.

You lean down.

"What are you doing here?"you controlled your voice.

"Visiting you."he answered,loudly.

"Shhh!"Panicking.As you glance at your door if your parents noticed him and you.

"I mean, what the fudge are you doing here?Why?-"he cut you off.

"I'm going up."he stated.And started climbing,to the sycamore tree beside your house.

"Omo!Haist."you went to the door and unlock it.Making sure.

You switch off the lights,to be not suspicious ,and you turn on your record player.

You waited on your balcony.

You saw him climbing carefully to your balcony.

You came to him,helping him.

As he put his foots to your balcony.

"Hey."he stated,sweetly .Tooking off his hoodie.

Revealing his perfect face.

You two facing each other.As he stroke your cheeks.

You looked up at him.

"You know,if everyone sees you-"he cut me off.

"They'll not."he smirk.

You sigh,annoyed.And let go off him.Making your way to your room.

"Okay,alright.Im sorry."He said,chuckling.

You sat on your working table.And switch on your lamp.Continuing your work.

You ignored him.

"Cmon,Mianhe."he sat on your bed.

You glance at him.With pleading eyes.

You rolled your eyes.

This guy is my weakness,you thought.

You stared at him,acting like you've been moved.

But you threw him a pillow.

"Your unbelievable."You exclaim.And faced your work.

"Seriously,I'm sorry."he stated as he makes his way to you.

"Just be quiet,i need to finish this,"

"Okay fine."he surrendered.

He stayed there quiet,You didn't bother.

Minutes past,and he didn't talk.

You already finished your homework.And you were surprised of what you saw.

Jaehyun is sleeping peacefully on your little sofa.

You beam,stood up.And grab a blanket.Covering him.

He's really cute when he's wearing his pajamas.

You sat on the ground.Stroking his hair.

"You're really tired huh?"you whispered.

You smiled again.Leaning to him,and kiss his forehead.

"Saranghaeyo."he whispered and smiled.

He's awake!!!

You felt your cheeks burning.

You were about to walk away when he grab your arm.Pulling you to him.

"Omo!"you covered your face,embarassed.

Now,your sitting on his lap.

"I really really love you."he hugs you tightly.

You hugged back.


"But later on,you need to go."you reminded him.

He laughs.

"I thought you wouldn't remember."with a laugh.

You chuckle.

You two stayed there for a while chatting around.And after that he went home.

:) <3 :)

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