Jaehyun Punched Your New Boyfriend

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"I told you, she's here," Mark whispered to Johnny's ear. Trying his best to make it clear.

Today was sm entertainment party. It was kind of meeting but a party. Everyone was there, the staff, managers, etc. Everyone's wearing as elegant and classy.

"I don't see her, though," he shot Mark.

" I saw her. And believe me, she stood out," Doyoung stated sipping his drink.

" I talked to Jaehyun.. He doesn't have any idea. That Yuta's bringing her." Taeyong said still looking around.

"This'll be messy," she Haechan said.

They're expecting see you with your new boyfriend, Yuta. WhenJaehyun broke your heart, Yuta helped you to move on. It was a selfish thing, but you do love him. He stood there beside you while introducing you proudly. Like you're something precious to him. He put his hands on your back, trying not to make you feel uncomfortable.

" nice to meet you," you said with a smile to this woman, Yuta's introducing you. You shook her hand,as you examine her.

Its one of the shareholder of sm entertainment.

"Wow, you look ravishing," she complemented. You gave her a sweet smile, as you grabbed Yuta on his arm.

" Thank you, well you look really amazing. I really love your dress," you said, tilting your head on the side while smiling. It made your hair fall on one side.

She was saying something about the party and the organization, when Yuta whispered in you ear

" You really look amazing, and you are giving a great impression, " he whispered, cheeky . You smiled at him, pulling him closer at him. Well honestly, the dress was given by one of your endorsement. It was velvet red, with a slit on one side, exposing your thigh.

It was your first time wearing this kind of revealing dress. But you didn't mind.

" Well, I think it's really great of you to donate on these kind of events. Especially when it comes to trainees lifestyle," you said confidently to this woman. You spoke with full of confidence and knowledge. Well you were really good at these things, after all you're one of the heir of some big company in South Korea.

" Well thank you, darling, "

" Y/n did also donated especially on trainees condominiums," Yuta said proudly.

" Really? Well that's really great." the woman said, stunned. Of how much it must've cost you.

"Well my father did donate and insisted to give some units." you said humbly.

The group were talking about these upcoming group when one person caught your eye.

It's Jaehyun.

And everything came back to you. He was wearing this... Black suit that suited him. He didn't wear a tie, and his polo unbuttoned.

You gulped, and looked at Yuta who's busy talking. You went to hold his waist, pulling him closer. That made him look at you.

"Hey, you okay?" he said, after excusing himself out of the conversation.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to go freshen up," you said.

His eyes were worried. "Are you sure, you're okay?" he looked at you with a concern.

"Yes, I promise." your hand went on his face before giving him a kiss to assure. It felt soft and warm.

"Okay, just text me okay? If somethings up.."

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