Watching Him Study

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You were watching Netflix, while Jaehyun was studying at your dinning table. He was super focus on his readings, he had been studying for hours.

You glance at him who's, still reading and taking notes. You heard him cough, so you quickly went to grab him a drink. Placing it on the table. You went behind him, placing your hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, take a break," you said while, he's still writing his notes.

"I will, I'll just finish this," he said still focus.

You give him a kiss on the forehead, and took your sit. Facing him, you rested your arm on the table, watching him. You tried to be cute, to caught his attention.

"What're you doing?" he said smiling. And he did, looked at you.

"Uhmm.. watching you," you answered with a wink.

He shook his head with a smile. "Don't do that," he said.

"Why?" you flashed your aegyo.

"Nothing," he placed down his pen.

"You know you need to take a break, you've been there for hours," you said, standing up. Making your way to him.

He didn't answer, he watched you as you walk to him. Sitting on his lap, holding his cheeks.

"Hmm..I know," he said with a smirk. Before giving him a kiss. It was subtle and sweet.

"Seriously, you should take a break," you said brushing of his hair.

He smiled, before kissing you again. His hands was comforting your waist and back. You pulled back.

"Jae, you should though," you said.

"That's how it is huh? To fully have your attention," you said, standing up. Making your way to the couch. Resuming what you're watching.

He just chuckles, amazed how beautiful and amazing you are.

"Yeah, that's how it is," he stated, making his way to you. Joining you in watching series. While cuddling, each other.

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