THE FIGHT (Rqt Naoniee)

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Sorry if it's bad.But I really hoped that you like it.<3



Eunji's Pov

Now I was going to his place.

I really want to spend time with him.

I brought his favorite snacks.

I reached in front of his house.I have a key in his house so no problem.

"Jaehyuniee"I called and went inside.He's not in the living room.

Not in the kitchen,I went to his bedroom.And his bathroom is empty too.

Mm..Where could he be?

Of course bedroom.

I went to the bedroom and saw him sleeping.

I went to his bed.And sat beside him.

"Sleepy head."I smiled at him.

He sleeps peacefully.

"I will prepare you-"when his phone vibrate.On the table beside him.

I glance at him and back at Jaehyun.And smiled.

I took it and checked who it is.

Maybe it's Taeyong.

It's Yerin.

My face fell.

I quickly see what it is.


I feel the same way.😊💜

What the!!

I look at Jaehyun sleeping peacefully.

Is he?cheating on me..

I began to tear up.

I thought you're different..I said to myself as I stared at Jaehyun

I snapped of it.And return his phone where it is placed.

I turn away not to see Jaehyun.

And slowly walk away.

"Eunji?Jagi-"I cut him off turning to him.

I gave him weak smile.

"I'm leaving .bye.."My voice broke.And cried.

Leaving him there.

"Eunji!"he called again.

But I didn't look back.

But then he grabbed my wrist.

But I yanked it.

I faced him.Saw him confused.And I saw him shirtless.

Okay!This is my first time seeing him shirtless...I didn't know.I have no idea.

Now I look-

Crying and blushing,eh?

Just dont look at his body.

Just focus of what's the situation is.

"Eunji,why are you crying? "He asks.Wiping my tears.

But I back away.

"Because.."I whispered.Staring at the ground.

"Because,I think..I mean I know that you're cheating on me!!"I cried.

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