Celebrating Graduation

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" Can I hold your hand?" Jaehyun asked kindly.

You looked at him, startled. He was very adorable when he's like this. Asking for permission for the small stuff.

"Of course you can, it won't hurt believe me." you winked at him. It's really fun teasing himylike that.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes, exposing his dimples.

" You make fun of me huh?" he asked, holding his hands on yours. As both walked inside an art exhibit.

"No," you said clinging on to him.

You two began to walk around while examining these various arts. It was really your thing to go and study these arts.

"This is exceptional," you said while staring at a painting of a meadow. You thought of the different techniques of the painting.

" You really like this kind of things," he stated. While holding you by your waist.

"Ne.." you whispered.

" It must cost this painting a fortune," you said. You sighed, and notice Jaehyun was staring at you. You feel your cheeks burning so you pulled him away from the painting.


Jaehyun's POV

"Cheers!" she shouted.

It made me smile, seeing her happy. We're in a small convenient store, we bought some soju, because she wanted to drink. Today was her graduation, and after attending it we decided to grab a soju. I wanted to celebrate her graduation in a fancy restaurant. But she wanted to have a drink in a convenience store. Because it was her first time.

"Yah, you should take it easy." I said, I looked at her while taking the glass. Y/n made this face like somethings burning on her throat. It was cute though.

" YIKKEESS. This is bitter," she stated, while giggling.

I chuckled. And pushed some tteokboki to her. I saw her shiver, because we're outside in a convenient store. I placed my coat on her.

"Oppa, you shouldn't. You'll catch a flu or cold." she said, with her rosy cheeks.


" You will. Because you haven't drink anything or even this," you she took her glass again and drink it quickly.

"So that means, I feel warm. Because I'm drinking soju." she explained, I know she was tipsy. Because she kept giggling and her face was red.

She poured again on her glass. I watched her, it was her first time. And luckily, I was there because her tolerance was low.

" there's this scientific explanation, (hiccup) to it. I think.. (hiccup) " Y/n grabbed a bite of tteokboki while I drank a soju. I was refraining to drink, because I'm driving.

"THAT'S MY JAE!!" she shouted cheerfully, seeing me drinking a glass of soju.

It was so loud, that it made everyone look at us. I felt my cheek burn.

"Y/n, you should take it-"

"No, because this is so... (drink) , fun! And bitter," she made this face. And giggles.

" You're drunk," I said.

" No! I'm not, (hiccup) " she wiped her mouth using her arm. When suddenly her phone rang. She quickly took it trying to sound okay. But when she heard what was being delivered. She screamed happily and looked at me.

"I know, who sent it . Thank you," she said, before hanging up. I know what it was, I tried to hid my smile.

Y/n went to hug me and kiss on the cheeks.

"I know you did. Thank you," she wrapped her arms on me.


" Don't lie, you bought the painting." she went to her seat. And pour a soju on our glass.

" What painting?"

"The one that I like in the exhibit. You shouldn't bought that. It's too expen-"

" Well you're precious to me and you deserve it," I said blushing, taking my glass and drink it.

"YAHH! Your making my heart flutter," she grabbed her chest acting cute.

" But in return, I want to do something," she said. I looked at her, I can't read her. But then she went beside me, and lean in.

"What a-"

Kissing me on the lips. It made my eyes wide, as she kissed me gently. Her lips was soft. I carefully held her cheeks, and kissed her.

" There," she said after letting go. I looked at her who's really flushed, and lean in and kissed her once again.

"I love you, you little moron," y/n said between the kiss.

"I love you too, my little drunkard," I said, kissing her once again.

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