Break Up

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Its raining.And You were on your house.Your parents were packing up,leaving Korea.They decided to move out.

You started taking your things.

And today is the day.That your leaving.

You didnt contact or meeted Jaehyun.His carreer is growing.And you dont want to be the one keeping far away from his carreer.His been busy,he didnt know that your leaving.

You thought its for the best.

You took a last look of your room.Before leaving.

Every single memories.

You smiled weakly.Your eyes began to water.

And went out.You went downstairs.When you heard your doorbell rang.

"Ill take it."you shouted to your parents.

You opened the door.

And saw him.


His wet.Because of the rain.

He looked at you,serious.

Catching his breath.

The rain is pouring.

"Where were you?"he ask.

You look down.Not wanting to see his expression.

"Why arent you pick-"he was cut off when he saw a lot of boxes.

"Your leaving?"he ask,confused.

You glance at him,and didnt answer.


Your eyes began to water.

"Why are you leaving?Why didnt you tell me?"his voice broke.

You can hear his quiet sob.

You looked at him and saw him crying.

You cant help it.And hug him.

He hugged you back.

You two stayed there for a while.

You let go.

You need to say it.Those words that will broke him...To let you go..

"I dont want to do this anymore..I this..."you stated.

"Is there a problem?What did Ive done wrong?"

"You havent done anything wrong.Its just me..I need to go ,for the sake of your.."you didnt say it.

"My carreer?"he wiped his tears.

You two went in silent.

"I cant.."you said again.

He studies your face.Controlling his tears,and started walking away,while the rain is pouring.

You stared at him.

He took a last look at you.And saw him crying.

I will miss thought

And he turned away,walking away.

You went inside of your house,crying.

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