First Fight

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Youre with Taeyong.Buying a gift for Jaehyun.For his upcoming birthday.

You two are now in the park.

Youre holding a huge paper bag.

"I hope he like it."you mumble.

"He'll like it."Taeyong said.He noticed you.And quickly held the paper bag.

"You're getting unbalanced."he joked.


"Yes you are."he stated chuckling.

"Aniyo.T,Thank you."You walked slowly catching up with up with him.

"For what?"ge asked lookinga at his holding and at me.

"For holding this?"he ask smiling.

"No,for coming with me."you said looking at him.

He looked at you and gave a sweet smile.

"Any time,y/n."and smiled.

He's really a nice friend.

You two were chatting around.When your shoes become untie.

You stopped from walking and bend down.

"Wait,Taeyong."you stated tying your shoe.

You were tying your shoe lace.

"Getting problem there?"Taeyong asked.

"Aniyo."you lied.You cant tie your shoe because of your heavy coat.


Taeyong quickly went to you,bend down.Tying your shoe.

You looked at him.Amazed.He really looks like an anime.

He finishes tying your shoe.He glance at you.

You look away.


"You really like a manhwa."you stated

He stood up,chuckling.And held his hands for you.You hold it and helped you stood up.

You two were about to walk when you saw a familiar face.You saw Jaehyun.

You smiled brightly.But your smile quickly faded.

You know his in a bad mood.

Jaehyun looked at you and to Taeyong.

Taeyong noticed you,where youre gazing at.And saw Jaehyun.

"Jaehyun!"he waved.

Jaehyun went to you.Ignoring Taeyong.And quickly grab you arms.

"Jaehyun whats wrong?"you asked.He dragged you.

"Jaehyun."you called.His grip is hurting you.

"Wait-Jaehyun,Youre hurting me.."you said.

Pulling your hands.

"Jaehyun."Taeyong called.

But Jaehyun ignored him.Still holding your arms  tightly.

"Jaehyun,youre hurting her."Taeyong stopped him by blocking him.

Thats when Jaehyun stopped and looked at him.Mad.

And punch him in the face.

Taeyong fell on the ground.

Youre eyes went wide.

And looked at Jaehyun,brow creased.

I rushed to Taeyong.

"Are you okay?"you asked to Taeyong.

You saw Taeyongs face completely red.

You looked at Jaehyun,he's walking away.

"Jaehyun."you called.

"Taeyong,I'm sorry"you appologize.

You went to Jaehyun.

You called him.But he walked away...You tried catching up with him.But he's already gone...

Too short?Comment if you like a part 2 😀😊😍
Sorry for late updates.Busy in school works.So again sorry guys.

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