You had a Nightmare

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You woke up crying.Jaehyun quickly sat up.Facing you,wiping your tears away.

"Hey,whats wrong?"he asks.

You shut your eyes shaking your head as you cry.

"Y/n.."he called you.

You dreamed about Jaehyun leaving you and saying over and over that he doesnt love you anymore.

And that is a huge pain.

"Hey.."he called

"Do you want to talk about it?"he asks,softly.Stroking your hair.

You didnt answer; looks at your hand.And back at him,studying his beautiful angelic face.

You took a deep breath,trying not to cry.

"I had a..Nightmare.."your eyes flicker on him..

His eyes focusing on you.Listening.

"And..It..(sob).In my nightmare.You said that you dont love me anymore...And you were going to leave me.."you cried.

He quickly embrace you.As you cry in his arms.

"Hey..."he called.And lets go off you.

Staring at him.As we wipe your tears.

"I love you..And I will never ever leave you."Jaehyun said.With a serious expression.

"Okay?"he asks.

You nod.Shutting your eyes.

It really hurts...

He pulled you again to a hug.Before going to sleep.At that moment you felt safe.With him..

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