after entrance exams (university)

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I am planning to write a Jaehyun x reader book,  it'll be up soon!! Thank you for the support!


You have already taken your entrance exams, and it was pretty hard. But luckily, your boyfriend, Jaehyun, helped you to study. So he is really great help. You are now walking alone, making your way outside the gate of the school. You were sipping an apple juice. Scrolling at your phone, if there's any news from NCT. You looked around and saw everyone's busy with their friends, planning to go to a party which is held by one of your classmates. But you decided you don't want to go, because of course, you need to study, for the upcoming final exams.

You were focused on your phone, about to exit the gate. When a crowd appeared in front of the university. You continued walking passing on the crowd. When-

"Jaehyun..." you whispered startled, he was sitting in his car. He wore a black leather jacket, beneath it is a plain white shirt and black jeans. He looks perfect, he was holding a pink bouquet. Everyone was looking at him, of course. This scene was really.. unrealistic, it's like you're in a k-drama.

You were staring at him, amazed. When he notices you, he beamed. Making his way to you.

Oh my..-

"Y/n," he went in front of you. You froze there still stunned. You can feel everyone's eyes on you.

" Here's for you, I know you did well," he gave you the flowers, you accepted it. You flashed him a smile. Appreciating his effort, he's really sweet though.

" Thank you," you said.

" What are you-"

" Well, I wanted to see if you're alright. And I wanted to buy you some meat," he said, now holding your hands. Woahh.. he's so fast. Everyone's murmuring how attractive Jaehyun is. Well, I can't blame them, because it is true.

" But-"You were about to say something when he pulled you in the shotgun seat. So you haven't had the time to say anything. You watched him, make his way to the driver's car. He looks really cool with his smirk. You sink on the seat, you felt flustered.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked after putting on his seatbelt, his beautiful hands were on the stirring wheel.

You tried to busy yourself, avoiding eye contact. You were just really flushed.

" Ne," you said. He suddenly leans in.

THE HECK...You can feel his breaths, you thought he was about to kiss you, so you did close your eyes. But it made sense when you felt the seat belt was being secured.

You open your eyes and saw him smiling cheekily, looking at you." it's not that-"you stuttered.

He leans and kisses you on your cheeks, which made you more blushed. The hell... I will sink ..greatly in this humiliation.

" Well, you can calm down," he joked, starting the engine. You rolled your eyes, folding your arms, with a pout." My girlfriend's adorable," he whispered, before driving.

The drive was quiet but comfortable. You just observed and looked around, he is sure where he was going. Like he already planned it. You tried not to look at him, but you just can't resist. He really looks manly, the way he drives and focuses on the road. 

"So.. where are we going?" you asked politely.

He glanced at you, surprised. He thought you were not going to speak. "Yuta recommended me this place, they have this amazing meal," he explained, also glancing at you.

"Woah.." you stated with an appetizing look. It made him smile, and focus on the road.


He pulled the chair for you. Such a gentleman.. You sat across him. He brushed his hair away from his face. He really looks amazing.

" So what do you want to eat?" he asked giving you the menu. You looked and studied the menu. Everything looks delicious.

" Having a hard time picking?" he joked, staring at you.

" ANI," you said defensively.

He chuckles, and you told him your order. A waitress came, she was really staring at your boyfriend while Jaehyun was stating your orders. You just watched the woman, stare flirty at him. You just can't help to laugh, but of course, you hid that.

" What?" Jaehyun asked.

" Well the waitress was really eyeing you," you took the glass of water, taking a sip. Also, shaking your head.

" eyes are only on you though," he said out of nowhere. That almost blurted to water.

" You okay?" he asked concerned. Giving you a handkerchief.

"Yeah, just surprised," he was just too bold to answer.

" I'm just stating a fact," he leans back, crossing his arms, with his matching smirk. You rolled your eyes, and both of you waited for the food. Once the food was placed, you were eyeing the grilled meat. You were about to prepare the meat on the griller when-

"I'll prepare it for you," he said. It made you slightly flustered, so he did cook the meat. He's so cool cooking the meat. 


You started eating, and Yuta was right this place is amazing. The food is delicious, you took tteokboki and offered it to Jaehyun. He was surprised, by what you were doing.

" Hmm, say ahh.." you said cutely. He obeyed and chewed while blushing.

" It's delicious right?" still amazed at how delicious the meal was. He nods and smiled at you. You continued eating still focused. It really made you happy, you started slightly dancing, cutely. It was an automatic response, you know he saw you. You didn't mind, but honestly, he was staring at you with his charming smile. You noticed that Jaehyun wasn't really that eating. It made you stop.

" Why aren't you eating?" you asked, still chewing.

" Well... I just wanted to watch you. You really eat cute," he said.

" No, I don't," you objected.

" Yeah, you do," You looked at him and decided to feed him once again. 

" Then I'll feed you," you said. It made him blush, " You don't nee-" he coughed.

" Just eat this,hmp!" you still said. He took it still blushing, chewing it slowly.

"How was the exam?" he tried to averted, his blushing face. By covering his mouth, he looks adorable. You began munching the meat, while Jaehyun was placing the meat on your plate.

"Well it was hard, but I think I did great," you said cheerfully.

"That's my girl," he whispered, busy cooking the meat. It made you stopped from eating. Your heart skipped a beat. It's really great to have him you thought. You began eating once again, heart fluttering. You were eating when Jaehyun placed a small pink paper bag in front of you.

" What's this?" you said confused, looking at him blankly. 

He smiled, " It's a present you, dummy," he chuckles.

" I know... but what for," you placed down your chopsticks.

" Yahh, you already bought me a meal and-"

" Just open it," he said, watching you. You looked at him for a while, before opening it. You saw a velvet dark blue box, you opened what it is. It's a bracelet, with a J pendant, it has your birthstone. It really looks beautiful, and.. perfect.

" Did you like it?" he asked. 

You stared at the bracelet, you were really touched.

"It's perfect," you whispered, a tear escaped from your eye.

" Here let me," he took your hand, placing the bracelet.

" I saw this bracelet, and I thought it'll be beautiful in you. So... I wanted a J on it-"

You cut and looked at him, " Thank you, Jae," you said, with teary eyes. 

" Anything for my Y/n," he kissed your hand. You smiled at him.

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