First Night With Him As Your Husband

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It's your first night with your husband, Jaehyun. He was there at the bedroom, while you were in the bathroom. You glance at the mirror, you can see the paleness of your face. The messy hair, after the wedding, it was a mess you think.

"Okay.. You've done this before.." you meant spending the night with Jaehyun. But this was different.. he's your husband. And it's your honeymoon.

You were in your robe, bitting your lip. To what to do, you look around, and somehow you were nervous. But then you, quickly pull of your robe. Revealing a lingerie, it wasn't that revealing. But still.. You were very nervous.

You shut your eyes, and exhale." Don't be terrified.. He's just Jaehyun." you said.

"Your husband," you added, and you quietly squeal.

You can see your bare skin, this was the first time you wore like this.

You comb your hair, brushed your teeth, put a lip balm, and perfume. You took the courage, to walk in front of the door. You slowly, opened the door.

"You can do this.."

You got out of the bathroom, and saw Jaehyun there. Laying down, but when he saw you. He flashes a sweet smile. He straightened up. You slowly, and shyly walked towards him.

"Well.." he muttered, still smiling like an idiot.

Now you're in front of him.

"Well?" you asked.

"You look beautiful.." he said, looking in your eyes.

Touching your hand, while staring at you.

"You've said that before."

"I won't get tired, saying it."

That made you smile. And slowly he lead you to sat beside him. You obeyed, as his hands traveled on your cheeks and jaw. His hand was soft, you kissed it. Focusing your eyes on him, you can see him, amazed and happy.

"You know.. you know you don't need to wear anything that your-" you cut him off.

"No, I want to," you said, your voice slightly cracked.

He was still staring at you, at your lips. His lips form a smile, "Well then, I won't be able to resist.." his hands were on your neck.

"Doing this," he said, giving you a kiss. He pulled you, as he longingly kiss you. It felt like he was never touched you. It felt like.. he was controlling himself. As his lips, continue and his hands move on your shoulder.

You were really unprepared. Of what's about to happen. So you just go with the flow.

He's gentle, how he held you. He slightly move away. Pulling you closer to him, and you clutched him closer to you. As you, traveled your hand on his hair.

It was going so fast, everything. He laid you on the bed. You can feel your heart pounding so fast, and can feel the nervousness. As you were under him he was kissing your cheeks and jaw.

That made you flinch, "Hey.. Are you fine-"

"Yeah," pulling him in a kiss. He begun to kiss you too. It was beautiful, his hands were on your cheeks. As you pull his, shirt to you kissing him. When he suddenly kissed your jaw and neck. That made you giggle.

That made him smile, "Ticklish, ei?"

He continue kissing you, as you burst in laughter.

"Stop," you said, laughing.

Pulling him away, he rolled away from you. Pulling you in a hug.

"Let's do it, when we're ready.." he understood how slightly uncomfortable you are.

That made you smile, hugging him back. Giving you a pat and a kiss on the forehead.

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