Sweet Things

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You were laying down on your bed.Comfy.

And Jaehyun jump of the bed beside you.

That made you ruin your position.

"Jaehyun."You said in disbelief.

"Sorry."he chortle.

And moved closer to you.Your facing the ceiling while he faces you.Wrapping his arms around you.

"Hey.."he kissed your shoulders,to your jaw.


"Can you cuddle with me?"he went for your lips.But you shot him a glare.

He gave you a pleasing look.

"Cuddle?"you ask innocently.

He rolled his eyes.And went your lips.

"Uh-uh..You need to sleep early.Practice tomorrow.Remember."You reminded him,as you move away taking the comforter with you.

You saw him rolled his eyes.

"Just for tonight.."he hugs you tighter.

You look at him.With a smile.


He let go of you and turn away from you.

"Okay.."he whispered.

You know he's being a child.

You moved to him.Wrapping your arms on his torso.

"Okay.I'll cuddle.."You whispered in his ears.

After awhile he faced you.And cupped your face.About to kiss you in the lips.But you backed away.

'Uh...Just cuddles."You reminded him.

He grinned.

"Okay."he opens his arms.And you wrap your arms on him.Your head laying down on his chest.

You can hear his heartbeats.

"Jaehyun.."You looked up at him.

"Mm.."he mumbles.He liked down at you.

You lean up and kiss him on his lips.

"There."You said.

He bit his lips;forming a smile..

And you lay  your head on his chest.

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