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This is a requested one by shura_kamiUwU. Hope you like itt~

You were  by yourself, as you tried to busy yourself making your way to meet your boyfriend, Jaehyun.

You quickly, messaged him. That you're on your way, whuch you are. He updated you, that he's already there.

That made you smile, because he doesn't really want you waiting.

When you were about to pass an alley when someone grab your coat, pulling you away. His grip was too powerful,leading you on a dead end,pinning you at a corner. As you examine around, trying your very best to calm down. You are very convinced that this is an exit of a bar.

"Where are you going?" the guy smirk, still pinning you.

He smell cigarettes and beer. You quickly shut your eye.

"You got-"you were about to give some call when.

"Well, I got you.." he gave you this dirty look, taking your phone.

You begun you push him, but he was no even that moving. You started screaming and crying for some help. But none, the noise at the bar was too heavy to hear.

"Don't, scream, your making it more.. difficult." he was now touching you on your waist. But you shook his hands away.

"Please.. Stop," you sob as you froze there.

That made him pissed, moving closer and closer to you. A centimeters away, he begun to move his hand on your coat, going in to your shirt. When-

Someone pulled him away, throwing the stranger against the wall. And you just froze there, tears were streaming on your cheeks. As you held yourself, not forgeting he had touched you.

Jaehyun's POV

As I was calling Y/n, I heard some scream nearby. And I know it's her, she didn't answer my call. She always answered it at the very first ring.

I quickly run where I heard it was, but it was gone. And I know she's here. I begun running lookimg for her, calling her phone. But no answer.

I'm getting worried.

I know it's her voice.

I was about to passed some bar, when I saw a glimpse.. of her. She was being pinned against the wall, by some guy. But I can see in her face that she's terrified.

And without even knowing I threw the guy who's in front her. And saw Y/n just froze there, crying silently, her shirt was slightly pulled up, as her hands run on her chest. She was crying.

I can't even.. I can't even look at her.

"What the hell are you doing to her?!" I growled.

I saw the stranger who molested my girlfriend, making a run. But I quickly went to him, punching him on his face. He fell down, he groan in pain. As I went on top of him, punching his face endlessly.



"HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?!" as I remain punching him, I can feel the blood on my wrist, and the drip of the sweat on my face. As the guy begun to plead.

But I continued, punching his worthless face. I can feel my anger, on my chest. I can feel everything.

" Jaehyun.. "I heard Y/n, called.

But I still continued.

I let her alone.

That's why she had been here.

I'm not with her, that's why this happen.

I still feel the ranged as I threw my punch to this guy. But I know.. I'm even angry at myself. I started cursing the guy, wanting to kill him.

For what he had done to her.

I remembered Y/n's eyes that made me more pissed, still beating him up.

Without even knowing, Y/n has already stopping me, and embraced me. Stopping me, from killing this man.

She gave me her a back hug, I can hear her sob,her fear.

I know she knows I would have killed that guy, who's now running away.

"Don't you ever do that again," she whispered at my ear, as she tightens her arm on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry.. I was-" I quickly stood up, hugging her tightly in my arms. I can feel that she's about to faint or what.


I cut her off by holding her face, making her focus on my eye. I can feel her fear.

"I'll never, ever.. let you out of my sight." I promised her as I kissed her forehead pulling her in a hug once again.

"I'll be here," I whispered in her ear.

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