After Break Up

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A requeat from @llalagrac , i like making this one. So I hope you like it. If you do, please vote!!


It's been a year, ever since you saw Jaehyun. Your ex-boyfriend, you two broken up because of the idea of him going on a tour. At first it was alright to you, but then he's missing a lot, even your existence. It came to a oint that he didn't messages you for a month. And you've worried sick, and saw him going in a bar with his friends and some girls.

That made it, official. Officially broken up. It was hard, of course he's the love of your life. He's Jung Jaehyun.

You love him, you will not be standing here. At a law school, without him. He somehow build a piece of you. But it was through.. And maybe for the best.

"Hey, I'll just grab some coffee," you offered your friend.

Now you're about to go in your favorite cafe, and ordered your usual. You were waiting at the counter, glancing at your wristwatch.

"Y/n," a familiar voice. That you havent heard for a year.

You looked up, and saw Jaehyun.

"Hi," you flashed him a convincing smile.

"Hey," giving you a sweet smile.

Jaehyun's POV

I was back after the tour, it was different. The weather, smell,.. Everything. I was giving myself a walk, after the chaotic experience I've gone through. The tour was great, the country we've performed in. Everything was great, except one.


As I was walking, and about to passed a coffee shop. I saw a familiar face, a face that I've been missing, dreading. I saw her standing at the counter, her soft (the color of your hair) fall on her back, slightly dancing through the wind, she looks amazing. The sunlight shine her beautiful eyes. And without even knowing I was in front of her.

"Y/n," my voice slightly broke.

She turn to face me, and I can smell her scent, strawberry. She didn't change..

"Hi," she flashed me her smile.

I miss that..


"Hows it going?" she asked.

"Well.. we are back after the tour, and everything." I explained, putting my hands on my pocket.

"Ohh.. that's good to hear," she was taking her coffee.

"Hey, would you like something," she asks me warmly.

She didn't change at all.

I just stared at her blankly. She was waiting for my reply.

"My treat, don't worry," she joked.

"The usual," that's all I can say. Mesmerized by her beauty.

She have grown in to a woman.

"Oh.." that's all she said, and ordered .

"You haven't change at all," she said, signaling for you to take a seat with her at an empty table.

"Well, there's nothing to change at all.." i said. Taking a seat across her.

I can't believe she's in front of me, after breaking up. Almost not seeing each other for a long time. Like we have broken up on the phone, which was kind of inappropriate but.. I know its killing her that time.

Everything went great above great that I haven't gotten time to be with her. Honestly.. she didn't came out of my mind before and after the break up.

"Well, how about you?" i asked.

She was explaining about her, class in law. She's taking law, and i can't believe she did. Because we've both dream of she's being a lawyer and I'm an idol-

We've dreamt so much with each other.. everything.

And now.. I'm in front of her partways of hers.

"I'm sorry," that's all I can say to her.

Her bright smile slowly soften.

"I'm sorry, for being a douche bag." I can feel the tears escaping in my eye.

"I'm sorry for breaking your heart, for breaking the promise I've made to you."she watched cry, and she just grabbed my hand. Calming me, she knows me well, I looked at it. Holding it to mine.

" I'm starting to think of the what-if-"

" But we've become a better person,.. now, " a tear escaped in her eye.

" I know you broke my heart,"

"And you did it pretty damn well," she joked, while tearing up. I chuckled, still holding her hand tightly.

"But I wouldn't be the person right now, if you didn't," she added.

I stared at her, I thought to myself she didn't change.

She have grown.

She have grown.. Without me.

"So, thank you. For, everything." she smiled.

And that went all clear, it was truly over.

"I've always love you,"her eyes flickered on mine.

" I loved you too.. "she gave me a sweet kiss on the cheeks, before leaving me there.

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