Making him chose: You or his job

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Jaehyun's POV
"You see, I'm here to catch a flight to Toronto. " I gave the stewardess my passport. I'm wishing that I'm not too late. I clutched my bag, as I looked around.

She began to check the monitor. She handed my passport back.

"I'm sorry, Sir. But I'm afraid it departed earlier." She explained with her tired eyes.

This can't be happening..

"My wife was there, and I can-"

"I'm sorry, Sir. But we can arrange som-"

"I'm following my wife, and you see. Her flight was 11 am, and now it's not even eleven. She even sent me her flight, how can-"

I was very furious, because I know her scheduled departure. And I know I'm growing impatient because of her cutting me. It was too disrespectful.

"It's really sweet of you to follow your wife. But, just like I told you before. Her flight departed earlier. "

I just looked at her, and clenched my hand. Before, turning away. I thanked her, for her assistance.

I tried to call Y/n. But she doesn't answer.

"Then choose Jae, your job or me.. " She asked, her eyes were filled with tears.

My lips parted, but I can't even form a word. Say something..

"Y/n, you know.. I can't - "

"Jae, let's stay away for awhile.. " She wiped her tears away.

"Y/n.. Come one, we can talk this through. " I went to hold her hands but she moved away.

"let's talk when you can answer my question, " she said before leaving me the room.

I sat on the waiting area. As I stared at my phone, at her picture. I know I haven't been the good husband the I've promised to be. But, what she said was a wake up call. That I cannot always be in those things. And without her, I can't properly think or breathe without, Y/n.

I see my tears dripping on the screen of my phone.


I regret my actions, and my choices. She had always been my number one supporter. But lately, I wasn't there for her.

"Y/n.. I'm sorry, " I whispered, wiping the tears away.

"Jae? "

Someone called, I looked up. And saw my wife, with her sparkling eyes. She stood there with her luggage. I quickly ran to her, holding her in my arms.

"I'm sorry.. I don't want to lose you, " I whispered, wrapping my arms around her.

"Hey.. I wasn't going to leave you. I just needed some space to breathe and reflect," she said with her softest voice.

"but still, I'm sorry." I said before facing her. She was crying too. "And your question.. I know the answer, I chose you, over anything else. " I said, before kissing her lips.

I wasn't aware of my consequences. Losing her is painful and unbearable.

"Jae," our forehead touched. As her little hands held my cheeks.

"You don't have to chose.. Whether it's me or your job. Because I'll always love everything about you. And I promised that to you, when we stood there at the altar. I just lost it, because I thought... '' she was explaining while looking down at her feet. But now.. All I can see her.

I can't believe I'm married to her. She always finds a way to understand me. At all cost, she had always been the nicest and the purest thing I know. And I'll cherish her.

Before she can finishes explaining, I pulled her in a kiss. Cupping her face, she placed her hands on my chest. I can feel everyone's looking at us, clapping. But I didn't care. I just want to be here, in this moment. As I kiss her like it's the world is about to end.

"I love you, Y/n" I said between the kiss. She smiled, kissing me once again. Then saying it back to me.

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