He gets Jealous

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You were watching M-Countdown.With your boyfriend Jaehyun.While eating chips.

When BTS popped out.And you saw V.

You were surprised.

You really have a crush on him.But its different what you feel to Jaehyun.Jaehyun is the one you really love.

While eating he saw you blushing.

"Jagiya,why are you blushing?"he asked suspicously.

You covered you face.And look down.

"Im blushing?"you ask innocently.

"Ne."he answered coldy.

"Oh,its nothing."you push away.

He didn't say a thing,and moves away from you.

You look at him,confused.

He just watches the tv.With a cold stare.

Is he-

"Oppa,are you jealous?"you asks cutely.

He glance at you and back at the tv.

"Ani."taking a sip of water.And stood up,hoing to the kitchen

Yup,hes jealous you said to yourself.

You followed him.And saw him feeling up the bowl of popcorn.

You hug him behind.(Back hughing)

He froze there.

"Yah.Im sorry if I made you jealous."You said.

He turns to you.

"Who said that Im jealous?"

"Me.Your jealous and I know it."you back away,immitating him.


"Ne.Yes you are.Right now your blushing."and you giggle.

"Ani."he runs to you.

You were going to run.But he catches you.

He hugs you tightly.

"Okay Ill admit it.Im jealous-"you cut him off.

"Told yah."and smiles playfully.

He chuckles.

"Dont be jealous Oppa.."you said and you put your arms around his neck.

And his hands on your waist.

You tip toed.

"Because I love you.."You confess.

He flashes a smile.

You two ended up going upstairs.Laying on your bed.Talking about random things.

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