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You were going out on a date with your boyfriend Jaehyun.You were really excited.You already got dressed,and brought your things.You two are going on a park.

When a knock onthe door appeared.

Youre really excited and expecting its Jaehyun.

You opened the door and you saw Mrs.Lim your  mom's friend with her little daughter Lily shes about 4 years old.Her Eomma Carrying her.She smiled.I smiled back.

"Hi.Mrs.Lim,"you greeted happily.

"Hi Lily."you added shaking her little hands.

She is so cute,you thought.

"May I ask Y/M/N(Your Moms Name)?"she asks.

"Oh.Eomma,left earlier."playing with Lily and look at Mrs.Lim.

"Y/n,can I have a favor?Im just really in a hurry."

You looked at Mrs.Lim.

"Sure.What is it?"you smiled.

"Can you,if its okay with you to babysit Lily?"she stated and you looked at Lily smiling brightly.

You really cant resist the little girl.

"Well sure.But im leaving if its okay Ill just bring her with me."and I played with her little hands.And she squeel in happiness.

"Yeah.Sure.I just need to go in my meeting."she explained.

You smiled brightly.

"Okay."you nod,happily.

She gave the bag and carried Lily in your house.

"Okay.It'll be fun."you swing her and kissed ger chubby cheeks.

You brought her bag and your sling bag.

You took a cab.And received a text from Jaehyun.Hes already in the park.

"Youll meet Jaehyun Oppa."you said pinching lightly her cheeks.

She cheers.You beam.

You reached the park.And went to the meeting place.

You saw Jaehyun.You saw him wearing his perfect smile.He hurriedly wen to you.

You stopped.

He reached and stood in front of you.He smiled and smiled happily at Lily.He holds her little hands.

"Who is this beautiful girl?"he asks.

"Her name is Lily.Her Mom is in a meeting so,we're going to babysit her."you answered.

"Hi,my little Lily."Jaehyun greeted.Palying with her little hands.

Lily smiled at Jaehyun.

"Oppa?"she said it clearly.And cutely.

You were surprised.So was Jaehyun.

"She is so adorable."you stated swaying her.Looking at Lily because of how cute she is.

"So were you.."Jaehyun said out nowhere.

Your eyes went to him.And felt your cheeks burning.

He chuckles.

"Ill carry her."

You nod.And gave Lily to Jaehyun.You hold her pink bag.

Jaehyun swing her back and forth.Happily.Lily squeel happily.

Jaehyun looks like a Dad.

You know that one day he'll be the best Dad.

You didnt know you were staring at Jaehyun.

"What?"he snapped.

"You really look like her true dad."you ridicule.

"One day..And you'll be the best Eomma."he whispered.And started walking.

You were startled of what he have said.

"Wha-t?"you asked catching up with him.

"Nothing.Lets go?"he said.He reached for your hands.You reached for his hands .And intertwined.

His other hands is for carrying Lily.While the other one is for holding your hands.

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