Cat call

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Hello beautiful people!~ I just want you to know, that you are loved. Stay safe, ppl. <3


You were getting out of his car, you took your stuff and about to enter your apartment. He was taking some larger stuff at the back of the car. So you're just waiting beside the car when you felt someone is following you. So you looked around, to see who it is. But you failed , to see. You didn't know Jaehyun was calling you so, he just went to you.

"Y/n? You okay?"He asked, carrying stuff. You looked once again, on your surroundings.

So you just nod, he smiled you the brightest smile. Giving you, a kiss on the forehead. Like marking his territory.He was wearing a cap, so it somehow hid his gorgeous face. You two begun to walk, when something flashes. Cameras, for about two?

They were mumbling, about some issues, about you and Jaehyun. Because this is the first time, a paparazzi appeared. 

"Y/N LOOK HERE!" someone shouted.


You looked down, Jaehyun was beside you. Blocking the paparazzi who's also stopping you two. You two were silent, trying your best to successfully walk in your house.

"Y/n, Look here! Don't be shy" they begun, and the tone is a mocking tone.

"Y/n, you look so damn great," someone begun, that's when Jaehyun moved closer to you. You know he was controlling himself.

"Y/N, YOU LOOK SO DAMN SEX-"someone shouted, but Jaehyun didn't let the paparazzi finish, he was in front of you two.

"Bro, please kindly watch your mouth," Jaehyun was getting red, and you can feel that he is just holding it. He moved closer to you, leading the way.

The paparazzi were silent, but then begun again like mocking, cat calling you, and also blocking you.

"Dude, back off." Jaehyun flared to the man who cat called you.

"I just told you, to stop." He gritted his teeth, the man was backing off. You can see in his eyes that the man was terrified. Everyone went silent, which was something.

You know he is really mad, about to do something bad. But you quickly grabbed his arm.


He glance at you, and his expression slightly soften. You shook your head, signalling to don't do something or anything. He looked again, to the man who cat called you. 

"Please, don't do this again, and in my girlfriend. Or even to any girls out there.." he staring deadly to the man. He  didn't look away, he was pissed. You can tell in his expression. The paparazzi was slightly terrified. There was till flashing, Jaehyun didn't mind. Because she is your boyfriend.

 "I'm asking you,  this .. calmly." he emphasized the word calmly. Everyone was silent, and you were there just watching him, pulling his hand. To just let it go.

"Please, excuse us," Jaehyun stated before leading you once again, but walking more faster. The paparazzi was still following you. But Jaehyun, wrapped his arm around you. Still, focused.

"Just tell me if anyone tries that again," he whispered in your before entering your apartment. That made you, flushed of how protective he is.

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