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It's the day Jaehyun will be going to the military.

You're in front of Jaehyuns house.Waiting for Jaehyun.

The door creaked open.And you saw Jaehyun wearing his military uniform.

Your POV

I stared at him.

Im gonna miss him..

"Hey."He greeted,smiling at me.

"Hi."I greeted bacķ.

He locked the door.And went to me;holding my hand.

I examined at our hands.

I smiled sadly at him.

Don't cry..I told myself.

"Well I'm sure gonna miss this.."He said.Swaying our hands .Staring at me.

I examined his fascinating eyes.

"Oh.Here.I almost forgot."I took his hand.And wear him the bracelet.

After it you stared at it.And smiled.

It's suits him..

"It' bought"I stuttered beginning to cry.

When suddenly he pulled me closer.And brushed his lips on mine.Gently and passionately..

I stood there and slowly closed my eyes.And a tear escaped in my eye.

He stroked my cheeks before letting go.

I'll miss you..

Our eyes are still closed.Our forehead touched.

"I'll miss you.."I whispered.Beginning to cry.

"I'll miss you too.."He said pulling me in a hug.

I embraced him back.

"Promise one thing.."I said staring at him.

He let go of me.And stared at me waiting for my answer.

"Stay alive."I ordered.

He chuckles.And grabbed my cheeks.

"Yes,ma'am."He replied with a tune of a military man.

I beam.


Then the car of the militar came.Waiting for Jaehyun.

He looks at me,smiling with full of sadness.

"I'll be waiting here.."I said.

And he kissed me on my forehead.

Leaving me there.I waved at him,controlling my tears.

"Bye."I whispered to the air.

Watching him leave.

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