-Walk Away-

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Y/f/n-(your friend's name )

You heard that your best friend have a crush on Jaehyun.And you have too.You don't want to say it to her;so you decided to hide it.

"Y/n."your friend called you.

You two are making your way to the canteen.

"Mmm.."she snakes in to your arm.

She's the only friend you have.So you really cherish her.

"I saw Jaehyun earlier.."she said.

Your eyes fell down.

"Mm.."You said.

"Yah.What's up with that face?"she questioned.

"Um..er. Worried of exams."You lied.

She looks at you in the eye.Not convince.

"Its true."You stated.

She let it go.

"Well I'll get going."she stated.With a huge smile.Walking away.

"Yah!Where are you going? "You asked.

"Library."Not looking back.And left you.

When you forgot something in your bag.You went to your classroom.And unexpectedly,Jaehyun is standing in front of the door. Like waiting for someone.

It made you stop from walking.

Your heart beat begans faster than before.

You snapped out of it.And took a deep breath.Going to your class room casually.

You were going to pass at Jaehyun.When he grabbed your wrist.

That made you stop.Eyes wide.

You turn to him.

And saw his good looking face.Not good,beautiful face.

You were about to stare.But stop yourself.

"I need to talk to you.."he exclaims.

You stared in his eyes.

"About what?"you questioned.

He look down and took a deep breath.

"About you..And me.."his eyes flickered on yours.

This..what?! He wanted to talk about you and him?

You gave him a confuse look and lets go of your hand.

"Follow me."

You look at him as he walk away.Confused.

And didn't know that you're already following him.

His heading outside of the school.Beside a tree.

He stopped when he already reached the tree.

You stopped in front of him.

His eyes fell down.

"Jaehyun?"you asks,confused.

It took awhile for him to answer.You look around and saw no ones around.When..

"I like you a lot."he said out of nowhere.

Your eyes flicker on him.

"W-what?"you whispered,surprised of what he had said.

He rubbed the back of his head.

"I know..That we have never talked..But I like you."he announce.

Your eyes stayed on him.Thinking if this is just a dream

"Jaehyun.."You moved forward.But you remember your best friend.And stopped.

"Y/n,I am sorry.But I do.And this won't go away. "Jaehyun exclaims.

He moved closer to you and held your shoulders to your hand.

Your face fell down.Looking at your hands.

This isn't good..

You must stop...

Liking him...

You look up at him.And your eyesight began to blurr because of the tears.


You smiled.A tear escaped.

He smiled back at you.

"Jaehyun,I like you.."You said out.

You can see the happiness in his eyes.

"But..my best friend likes you.."You said.And pulled your arms.

And took a step backward.

It's the only way.

His brow creased.

"And I shouldn't..It shouldn't be like this."You said.

"My friend likes you.And I like you.."

It can't be like this.

"As my friend."Your voice broke.

His expression is full of saddens and hurt.But then he took a step to you.

"She likes me?..But it doesn-"you cut him off.

"She's my only friend."You sob.

You can't lose your friend.Between the two of them...

Your brain says that this is the only way..while your heart wanted to hug him.

"I'll be ,too.."he whispered.

You began to tear up.

"I'm sorry.."that's all you can say.And walk away.

Away from him..

Away with your..happiness.


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