Mornings With Your Son

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You woke up early, and beside you was Jaehyun. Sleeping, peacefully. You can hear his soft little snore. That made you smike. You placed him akiss on the cheeks. Before going to your baby. Which he was sleeping also, like Jaehyun. He really looks like Jaehyun.

"You really look like your dad, (your baby name)," you said. You watched him for awhile. Before, going to the kitchen to prepare some breakfasts.

You started to prepare some bacon, eggs, and pancakes. When, an arm was wrapped on your waist. That made you smile.

" Jae, go back to sleep, "you ordered. But he didn't listen, he just let out a groan. Staring kissing your ear, neck and shoulder.

" YAHH.. don't distract me, "you said still trying to focus, on what are you doing.

But he didnt listen, so you faced him. He looks, pure and still good looking. And somehow.. hot. His hair was messy, and he's weating a large sleeveless. Which showede his porcelain muscles.

He quckly wrapped his arms on your waist. His hair was falling on his face. You quickly brush it away, from his face. Somehow, resting your finger on the back if his head. Andwithout even knowing, his lips was touching yours. It's easy, soft. And perfect.

You pulled away, "Jaehyun, I need to-" but then he kissed you again. Pulling you closer to him, his hands move on your side as your listen to every movement he makes.


"I know," he said between the kiss. His hands were giving a little force. Which was intense , but amazing.

You two are making out, you can the warmth of his touch. And everything was-but then you hear (your sons name) crying. You let go, you aren't sure at first.


"Shh!" you hushed Jaehyun. And it was confirmed, that your baby was crying.

"Please, go-"

"I'll go get him," he stated,slightly dismayed that you two were being cut.

You smiled at him, before resuming what you were doing. You started placing it all on plates. And heard Jaehyun entered the kitchen carrying your son. You went to him.

"good morning, love" you placed a kiss on his chubby cheeks. Your baby yawned,cutely.

"How about me?" Jaehyun asked,cutely.

"You already had-"

"Please?" he pleaded. You rolled your eye, and gave him a kiss. That made him grin, charmingly.

"You know we have unfinished business." he said, making his way on the dinning table. While you started, placing all the food on the table.

"Yeah,"You stated, looking at him. He sat on a chair, placing your son on his lap.

" Well let's just continue-"you cut him off.

" Okay. Let's just eat up, and never talk that in front of your son, "you tried to be stern, but you know you can't.

He just grinned, mischievously." Yes, ma'am, " he said with an accent,giving you a wink.

You shook your head, and started eating breakfast with your Jaehyun.

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