when you're drunk

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" CHEERRSS!!" you shouted because the music was too loud.

You don't know how many glasses of tequila you took. You continually drink it, because all you wanted is forget all he had said.

" Let's just break up.." 

He said those words like it didn't mean anything to him, he just... said it like it was nothing.

" AGAINN!" you said loudly.

" Y/n you're drinking too much," you heard your friend said beside you. But you just laugh it off, and drink another shot.

" Aniyo, " you smiled at her, with her concerned look.

You took another glass.

" WOOOH! This is so great!!" you raised your toast letting another drink slid on your throat. At first, it felt like it was burning but now.. it doesn't. It felt nothing... numb. Just what happened to you and Jaehyun you thought.

" Let me call him, " your friend said, reaching for your phone in your bag. You quickly stood up, and " No! Don't. I don't need him," you said happily.

Yes.. you do need him, you thought.

" Come on Y/n," she said, helping you because you can't stand properly.

"I don't need him, I can go home by myself," you said grabbing your bag with you, about to leave the party. When you heard your friend taled to DoYoung, her boyfriend. To call Jaehyun, you turn to face him and looked at them pointing your index finger.

" Don't call him, he doesn't even-" you didn't finish what you were about to say when you fell on the ground. You were facing the floor, luckily you didn't hit your head. You heard your friend called you and heard Doyoun dialed Jaehyun.

" Don't-" then it went black.

Jaehyun's Pov

" I did break up with her," I said on the phone.

" Why?" Johnny asked completely shocked.

I remember her face when I said that I am breaking up with her. 

" Let's break up.." I said those words like it didn't meant anything.

" Why?" I can feel the pain inside her.

" Because.. I'm not happy," I lied. I didn't want to do this, all I wanted is to be with her. But this relationship will hurt her even more if we keep continuing this.

Her eyes began to shimmer with tears, she moved forward. Grasping her chest, and taking deep breaths.

" I'm.. sorry if I didn't make you happy. I'll try to be better," she said reaching for my hands. Her wands were cold, and shaking.

I can't see her like that, because I know I don't have the strength to break her heart.

" Jae, I'll do anything for u-"

" I'm sorry, y/n," my voice broke. I yanked her hands away, turning away from her. Leaving her like that.

I heard her calling my name, but I just.. kept walking away from her.

And that is the most painful thing I've done.

" I know it'll hurt her more if I con-"

I heard Doyoung beside Johnny, they were both talking. Their tone was full of concern. I also heard Y/n's name, which alarmed me. My heart began to beat so fast.

" What? Is she okay?" I heard Johnny asking Doyoung.

" Unconscious, I tried calling Jae-" Doyoung began to expalin

" Hello? What about Y/n?" I asked worriedly on the phone.  That's when Johnny realized that I was still on the phone.

" She got into an accident. DoYoung said she was too drunk, and he-" 

" I'll be right there," I said, running towards my car. 

This is all my fault..

I quickly drive, making my way to Johnny's house.


I went inside the party, it was crowded and I can't even hear anything properly because the music was too loud. I ran towards the crowd searching for Y/n. I saw her friends and Doyoung in front of a door, it was the guest room. Once they saw me, they quickly went to me.

" She was too drunk," her friend said worriedly and about to cry. Doyoung rested his hand on her shoulder comforting her.

" She was unconscious. But I think she'll be fine," Doyoung said, calmy.

There were too many thoughts in my head. I was blaming myself for doing this to her.

" Thank you... for taking care of her," I said to them, I was about to enter the door when her friend grabbed my arm. It made me stop. She looked at me with her eyes filled with tears.

" Don't hurt her, again.. I'm begging you, as her best friend," she said, Doyoung just looked at me, before pulling her away. Leading her outside the hallway.

I watched them vanished, then I glanced at the door.

Am I ready for this?

I kept asking myself multiple questions.

But I took the courage and grabbed the doorknob, and entering the room. I saw her there laying down peacefully tucked in a blanket. I went to sit at the edge of the bed. Straing at her, she looked pale and tired.

"Jae.." she whispered while she was sleeping.

I move closer to her, I didnt even know that my eyes were beginning to water.

" I'm sorry.." she cried.

I'm the one who hurt her and yet she's the one who's apologizing. I went to touched her hair. Giving her a kiss on the forehead. A tear escaped my eyes.

" I'm sorry.. Y/n, for hurting you so much," I sobbed.

"I love you," I added, caressing her cheeks. I gave her a hug, kissing her temples. When I felt her eyes open.

" Jae, what are you doing-"

" I'm sorry baby," I said still embracing her.

I was really scared of losing her.

And that was I realized I can't live in a world without her.

" I'm sorry for breaking up with you. I've been a coward, I'm sorry. " I said.

Y/n wrapped her little arms around me, " It's okay Jae," she said softly.

" Don't do that again.." I said.

" What?"

" Getting into an accident," I answered full of fear.

" Okay, Jae.. I'm sorry," she said, whispering in my ear. I let go of her, staring at her who's smiling at me.

" I'm not dreaming right?" she asked slightly confused, touching her forehead. It made me smile, I lean in and gave her a quick kiss.

" This is real, we are real..." I said, holding her face, still crying.

She brushed the tears away. " I love you, Jae," she said with a smile.

I pulled her in a hug once again, hugging her tightly. "I love you too, Y/n," I said, not wanting to let her go. "I will never do that again.. I won't ever hurt you again, I promise," her embrace tightened. As I began kissing her temples.

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