Proposing To You

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A request by -asteria_. Hope you like it!


You were at his concert, while they were performing. You get ready for your duet with your boyfriend, Jaehyun.

You were wearing a beautiful, dress. And you were about to sing you're still the one. You didn't saw Jaehyun, because you were preparing for it,earlier.

You were about to get out in the fitting room, when you saw the other members of Nct. Going to their room, they saw you and was very amazed how beautiful you are.

"Wahh! Noona, you look dashing," Haechan complimented, still amazed.

You smiled at him, and slightly bowed.

"Jaehyun will be surp-"

"Woaaah" the other members saw you.

"Thank you," you bowed.

"You're a chic!!" Johnny added.

You were complimenting them, when suddenly you're being called on stage. Jaehyun was starting the song so, he was already singing the first line. And Jaehyun was expecting for you there, you take a deep breath, holding a mic, and with full courage you went on stage.

It was a lot of people, and a lot of flashing lights. It made you nervous for a while. But when you saw Jaehyun standing there, gazing at you. You slowly smile at him. The crowd went wild when Jaehyun went to you.

"You look beautiful.."he said.

You just gave him a smile. And begun, singing, beautifully,the chorus of the song with Jaehyun, he held out a hand to you. You hold it, then he slowly turn to face you. And singing like no one's there, like he's just singing to you.

" You're still the one.. I want for life,"

You're still the one that I love

The only one I dream of

You're still the one I kiss good night

You sang the second verse of the song. The audience went wild once again, while singing along. And there was Jaehyun staring at you stunned, as you sing confidently. You walk around, singing. And thrn after awhile you went to Jaehyun singing with him the chorus of the song.

But then it was cut off by, Jaehyun kneeling down at you at one knee. And showing you a ring.

"Will you.. Marry me?"he asked, he's about to cry.

It went loud, the crowd everything. All you can hear is Jaehyun. What he's been asking you.

And it all went flashback. The song kept going,while the both of you were there, you held his hand. Making him stood, now tears were streaming on your cheeks.

" I do," you whispered.

Your answer made him smile, and he embraced you in his arms, lifting you. The two of you crying happily, he gave you a sweet and passionate kiss, you can't stop crying.

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