He Misses You

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You were sleeping.When you heard your phone rang.

Its been a week when Jaehyun left,for his duty being an idol.Fanmeets and their comeback.

Its 2 in the morning.

You sat up.Waking yourself.

You grabbed your phone and saw its Jaehyun.

You thought,its 2 in the morning why would he call?

You answered it.



Your eyes widen.

Y/n:Oppa,whats wrong.Are you alright?


His voice broke.

You're really worried.


He chuckles,fakely.

Y/n:Why're you crying?

It took a long time for him to answer.






You bit your finger,anxiously.Worried about him.

You both went in silent.The silent is different,it seems that,it connects both of you.

Jaehyun:I just called because I really miss you...I really miss your voice.You..

You know that he had stopped crying.

Y/n:Likewise...Now dont you cry,Casper.I really thought somethings wrong,you almost gave me a heart attack.

He chuckles once again

Y/n:When you got home,Ill gave you a big bear hug.(you said cutely)

You know he's smiling right now.

It made you smile.You really miss him.

You two talked all night,about his fanmeets.And you,about your studies.That night,you felt  your not alone and safe with him,eventhough your miles apart...

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