Goodbye Kiss

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You were in the airport.You're going to England for an scholarship.You were really happy,but Jaehyun didn't want you to go away.And you can't just let that opportunity fade.He didn't talk,meet or call you.

And that really hurts.

You rolled your trolley.As you stared at your phone.Hoping for Jaehyun to call.

But no calls..

You look away.And took a deep breath.And started walking away.

You lined went to the check in.And waited for your turn.


Someone grab you on your shoulder.

"Hey."Jaehyun said.

You looked up at him.And started tearing up.

"I'm sorry..Im sorry Ive been dumb.And now..I dont know what to say.Im so stupid.."he said.

"And we forgot to good bye kiss."He added taking his breath.

"I know.."Your voice broke. And smiled.

He beam.Flashing his pure white teeth.

He lean down and kisses you.

You two kissed passionately.

The people around you applaud.

And pulled away.

But then the schedule of your flight was being called.

"I gotta go."a tear escaped in your eye.

He looks down at you.And gave a cheerful smile.

He stroke your cheek.

"I'll be right here.."he said.And pulled you in a hug.

You hug him back.

But after that he lets you go.And you slowly walk away.

You have your ticket to the security.And took a last look at Jaehyun.

He smiled.You smiled back.Walking away.


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