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Now that you are married with Jaehyun, and at the honeymoon stage. It had been great, you two decided to travel before having a child. You two are staying at a hotel in Iceland.

You lay in the bed, scrolling at your phone. You were too focused in what you were doing and didn't realize Jaehyun was in the bedroom, shirtless. He took a shower after taking a walk earlier with you. You took a glance at him, and you smiled. He was busy drying his hair using a towel. He was wearing pajama and you really can see the prominent muscles he has.

"You wanna go to a restaurant?" he asked sitting at the end of the table, drying his hair.

He really looks hot.. though.

You shook your head, you were too lazy to get out of the bed.

"No, Too lazy to get up," you sighed. Jaehyun looked at you concern.

"You're not feeling okay?" he asked stopping what he was doing. And his eyes fell in you, full of concern.

" No, I'm fine. I just wanna stay with you here," you said, putting down your phone. You signaled him to sit beside you.

Jaehyun beam, sitting closer beside you. Wrapping an arm around you. You both lay there, staring at the ceiling. Thinking of some things, if you were ready to have a child. If he is ready to have one.

His arm wrapped around you, he was very gentle. His lips pressed on your head.

"What are you thinking, Y/n?" he asked, his eyes down at you.

"I'm thinking, if when will we be ready," you exclaimed still looking ag the ceiling.

You were thinking a lot of things.

" I am ready," Jaehyun said, slowly raising his head looking toward you. You turn and face him.

He really looks beautiful, even when he was being careful.. He still looks manly.

His eyes went to your eyes, he was focus on your eyes. It was filled of assurance. As his hands travel on your cheeks, holding it.

" I am ready.. To build a family with you. I've always have been. I just wanted to make sure you are ready.. To bear a child." his words were comforting, that it almost made you move closer to him.

He's always been like that... He wanted always make sure that you are comfortable. He always think of your sake. He wanted to see you happy, and he rally support every decision you make.

" I know, it'll be hard, especially for you. I don't want you to feel that I'm pressuring you.." you held his cheeks.

He smiled at you.

" I wa-"

"I'm ready," you answered, looking at his eyes, his expression changed.

He went to kiss you. His lips travels on yours, he was gentle. His hands began to travel on your body making you moan. When he heard it he kissed you deeper and harder. He went on top of you, his lips parted on yours. You can see in his eyes the love, need and desire.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

You bit your lower lip and nod.

As you two began to tearing each other's clothes. It was sweet, passionate, and lovelg. As his warm touch on your skin electrifies your body. He moves as he call your name multiple times. Jaehyun just looked at you while you tried to kiss him. You and Jaehyun made love. You two are focused on one another, focus on his touch, lips.. And everything that he was doing. It was like you've been hypnotized. Every movement he makes you feel love.


You were with Jaehyun, at your house. You two already went home, you did get a lot of sleep on that day, and that night. The honeymoon was great and adventurous. Jaehyun never left your side. When suddenly you felt everything went up to your throat. You quickly went to the bathroom leaving Jaehyun on the bed sleeping. It was 4 am in the morning. Yoh were throwing everything. It ached very much. You felt different today.

" Baby.. What's wrong?" he asked bursring in the bathroom. He saw you sitting on the floor while throwing. He went beside you rubbing your back.

" Yesterday you didn't feel okay.." he added with his worried expression. You flushed the toilet, and went to wash your face. You stared at the mirror. Jaehyun was beside you, shirtless. Still rubbing your back.

"Maybe what it's because of what I ate on the restaurant.." you exclaim turning to him. Assuring him that you were fine.

" You didn't eat that much," he exclaim. There was a look on his face... Unreadable like he was thinking of something.

" I only ate, crackers, tea, biscuits. I didn't like the smell of the-"

" Vegetables and steak," he said.

"Yeah, it was awful." you said, with a disgusting expression. Jaehyun smiled at you, it was as if he won a lottery. Pulling you in a hug.

"Why are you smiling like that?" you asked.

" You're not ill or anything," he reached your face.

"You have been cranky these past few days." he added.

You're still confused. And it hit you.

I might be pregnant..

Your eyes widen, looking at Jaehyun who's smile is reach to his ears. His eyes were filled with tears. He pulled you in hug.

" I.. Am pregnant, "it was confirmed on the stick that you're holding.

Jaehyun went to you, lifting you.

"I'm gonna be a father," he said, happily.

"Yes," you cried because of the happiness.

You are really ready. Seeing him like this makes you even happy.

" I love you." he said, before kissing you.

You kissed him back.

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