he wants a baby

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You were on the bed laying there while reading some magazine. You were too busy planning to prepare something delicious later for your husband. When out of nowhere someone jumped on the bed, beside you. It was Jaehyun, he wore his black shirt. And his sweetest smile. 

" Stranger," you said while scanning at the magazine. He rested his head on your shoulder while staring at his hands. He pouted, and let out a sigh.

" Why, what's wrong?" you asked putting down the magazine on your lap.

You saw his eyes were still on his hands, so you quickly took his hands.

" What's the matter?" you were now facing him, he looked kind of sad. You tried to cheer him up by kissing him on the cheeks.

You asked him once again, then he answered.

" Remember when... we talked about creating a family," he began, his tone was subtle at the same time sweet.

"Yeah, I remember," you smiled at him.

" Well... I was wondering if you like to have-...you know if you want," he was stuttering and blushing.

" What Jae?" you asked.

" If you wanted to have a baby," he blurted out like it was a relief.

It surprises you. This was the first time he asked or even opened this topic. Because he wanted you to have time. But, honestly, you were waiting for him to open this kind of topic. You know that Jaehyun will be a great dad. Because of the way he treated you and take care of you. It is definite.

" I know we are still waiting, and I just wanted to ask if you still want to.." he asked, politely.

It made you smile and did let him explain.

" I know, it's too soon to ask, I just wanted to know if you want to..because if you do, I promise I'll be the greatest dad in the world, I'll protect him at any cost," his eyes were on you as he explains this.

You move closer to him, and give him a kiss, on the lips. 

" Of course I want to have a baby, especially with you," you said, Jaehyun slowly smiles at you. And gave you a tight hug, and giving you a multiple kiss. He's very happy to hear that from you.

" What makes you think that it's a 'he'?" you asked while hugging him back.

" Just a wild guess," he answered confidently. Before letting you go, he threw away the magazine on your lap. While he stared at you seductively. 

"Okay, Jae. What are you doing?" you giggled.

He brushed his hair away from his face.

" We'll make a baby," he said, going on top of you. You were laying there, trying to move away, giggling at the same time.

" Not this time lover boy," you said, covering your face.

" Come on," he chuckled playfully, exposing his deep dimples.

" Na-ah," you said still covering your face.

You can feel his masculine body on yours. He's also preventing himself from falling to you. You saw him pout cutely.

" A kiss then?" he pleaded.

You slowly turn to face him and held his cheeks. Staring at his, lips, and smiled. Before kissing him, his lips crashed on yours. You really can't get enough of him, you began to pull him even closer.

" Hey, just a kiss," he teased.

" Fine," you answered, pouting. Then he kissed you again, his lips were smooth and quick. Making you shiver. But you know that it will not be only 'just a kiss'. You watched him pull his shirt off. Kissing you, even more, it's like you're the air he breathes. It made you smile.. and then, you two ended making love. As you two stare at each other with glimmering eyes. 

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