little sister

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This is another request, from @QilaAqness. enjoyy!! xx

You were making your way to the practice room where Jaehyun was. You wanted to surprise him because it's your monthsary. You and Jaehyun have been secretly dating because you didn't want Jaemin who's your big brother to know. You know it'll make him uncomfortable. You were walking, passing by on their dressing room when someone took your hand, pulling you inside the dressing room. 

" What the-"

" Shhh.."

It was Jaehyun, holding your waist. He was sweating and panting, his hair was also wet. He wore his mischievous smile, as he pulled you closer. Kissing you on the lips, your hands travel on his hair. His lips were soft and sweet. You closed your eyes pulling him closer.

"God.." he mumbles between the kiss.

You still continued kissing him. With a smile on your lips.

" What?" you whispered. You touched his lips and smiled at him.

" I miss you," Jaehyun said, caressing your cheeks.

" Aww.." you said, kissing him once again. You love kissing him on the lips, so did he.

" Where are the others?" you asked, letting him go. Sitting on a couch, the room was empty. 

"They went to eat outside," he said, scratching the back of his neck. He went beside you, wrapping an arm around you. You grab a small box in your bag. " Happy monthsary!" you said to Jaehyun. He was surprised, you can tell at his expression. 

"You shouldn't bother, but-" he said while pulling out a small velvet box. He surprises you with a ring, it has a moonstone. It's really beautiful.

" Happy Monthsary my Y/n," Jaehyun said kissing you on the cheeks.

You just stared at it, then at Jaehyun before kissing him. You sat on his lap kissing him once again. Kissing him slowly, and deeply. His hands were cautiously on your back, as his other hand was on your face.

" I love you, Y/n," he whispered. 

You were about to answer when you heard footsteps. You stopped kissing Jaehyun and looked at him horrified.

"They're here," you stated.

Jaehyun looked at you, with his once red face now pale. He stood there, " I'll hide," he said, going to the comfort room. He was obviously nervous.

" You don't hav-"

" It's okay," he said, about to close the door. When you kissed him once again. 

" I'm sorry," you said. He just gave you a smile.

"Don't worry," he said, before closing the door. You heard someone entered the room it was you brother Jaemin. He's with Jeno, who's drinking his coffee.

" Oppa," you said, giving him a hug.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" Jeno asked confused.

" I I just wanted to say hi," you lied, and it is very obvious that it wasn't. Jaemin looked at you suspiciously. But before he opened his mouth, you called Jeno.

" Do you guys have a plan later?" you asked at the. The two of them looked at each other.

"No-" Jeno was about to say something, you quickly pulled his arm, away from the room. You assume Jaemin will follow you. You were talking with Jeno as you pulled him with you. You were telling him some story about Jaemin's life.

" I know that, but Jaemin-"

" Jaemin what?" you asked turning to him, he looked at you blankly. And you didn't saw Jaemin, he wasn't there, he's in the room. Your eyes went wide, you were almost at the exit of the building. You didn't even notice that you and Jeno were running earlier.

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