Shaving His Beard

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You were at the bathroom, brushing your teeth when Jaehyun enter. Observing his growing beard. It's adorable seeing him, like that. With his grown hair,it makes him more manly.

"What's wrong?" he asked observing his face on the mirror.

"Nothing," you finished up, smiling, before planning to get out.

"Do I look like a caveman?" he asked, blocking the door.

You grabbed his face, and tilted it. Acting like you were observing it.


He was waiting for an answer.

"You want the truth?" you asked.

He nodded.

"No, you look like a potato," you joked.

"I'm serious, Mrs. POTATO." he held both of your hands.

"No, you don't,"

"Ohhh..okay,"he just let's it go, whenever you answer him. He trust your taste more than his.

" It just grow so fast, "he once again went to observe himself. On the mirror, resting his arm on the wall.

" Hmm.. well that's how it works, Jae, "you said.

" You need to shave, "you said, jokingly.

" I'm serious, Y/n, "he said.

" Okay, dude. You know you're still wonderful, "you said hugging his back.

" I know. But I really need-"

" Okay, "you said.

" Let's go shave, "you said.


" You know I trust you, right, " he stated, you were sitting on his lap. Ready to shave his beard.

" Yeahh, "you smiled at him, a smile that is mischievous.

" Don't smile like that. "he pleaded, but with a smile in his lips.

You tilted his chin, and begun to put some shaving cream on him. You were trying not to smile,how handsome your boyfriend was. With his white sleeveless on. Revealing his muscled features.

" Hey, you're drooling," he joked, trying his best to not move.

"Don't move," you said focus.

That made him smile, he loves it when your so serious. Focus on him,everything is on him. You finished up, putting him a cream. And take a deep breath, starting to shave, carefully. His cheeks, chin, jaw. You were shaving his chin. When you glance at him, and saw his eyes were still fixed on you.

"What?" you asked.

He just smiled, and caregully shook his head.

"I said, don't move."

"Yes, ma'am." he said with a cowboy tone.

That made you beam, continuing with your work. At that moment, his hands rested on your lap. Stroking gently, as you finishes up.

You put down the razor, and begun to touched his cheeks. Youwere lost in hisbeyes, so was he.

"You look.."


"Different," you said, still staring at him. At his lips.

But before you know it, he was kissing you. You can smell the shaving cream. His warm skin pressed on yours. As he hands moves on your back.

"That, different.." he joked, he was so red.

"Yeah," you scoff, before kissing him once again.

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