You Caught Him Cheating On You

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You were worried about Jaehyun.It's a long time since he texted or called you.

You called his friends,and they don't know where Jaehyun is.So you started looking for him.

You started searching where he usually spend his time.

"Where is he?It's getting late.."You mumble still searching.

You decided to buy some hot coffee near store.

You entered the cafe.And went to the counter.

You told the seller what order you'll buy.

"Um..2 hot cappuccino."You stated.

You'd bought two for Jaehyun.

"Take out please.."You sniff.

You paid it.And studied the cafe.

"Here's your order."the seller gave it to you.

You took it.

"Gomawo-"you were cut off of what you saw.

The one thing catches your eye sight is Jaehyun.

He sat at the corner of the room.

And he is smiling.

You smiled how happy he was.

You were about to go where he was.When you saw he's with a beautiful girl.That made you stopped for a while.

You took a deep breath.

You slowly went there.Trying not to cry.You heard him laugh,the way he laugh..

A tear escaped in your eye.

When you reached in front of their table.

You just stood there .

You couldn't believe Jaehyun could do this to you..

You stared at the both of them.

The girl noticed you.She looked at you,Jaehyun looks where she was gazing to.

Once he saw you.He's eyes went wide

"Y/n.."He mumble.

You looked at Jaehyun heart broken.

And the girl just looked at you wondering who you are.

"Erm..Jaehyun who is she?"she ask to Jaehyun.

He looked at her and back at you..

"She's my-"you cut him off.

"I'm just his friend..."You lied holding your tears.

"Y/n."He stated.

You looked at the girl.

"Um..Have an excellent date with him.By the way this is a gift for both of you.."You gave the two cups of coffee,before leaving.

You walked away holding your tears.

"Y/n!"he called multiple times but you didnt turn around.

He didn't even push away the topic that he's dating someone...that he's cheating on you..

How could he..You thought.

You walked at the streets.And you heard Jaehyun calling you.But you ignored it.

You were about to cross the road.

"Y/n."He called once again.

You didn't know you're going to cross the road.And the street light is at red light.

You're on the road when a car was about to hit you.And someone grab your hand,pulling you out of the road.

That made you numb.

Now he's in front of You.He saved you.

"Y/n,are You alright?"

You just stared at him.Hurt.

"Y/n are you alright?"he asks again holding your cheeks.

And that's when you explode.

"No."You cried.

He was a bit startled.

"No.I'm not alright.Why did you do that?"you asks pushing him on the chest as the tears began to stream.

He stood there looking at you .And how broken you are.

"Why?Am I not enough?What?Is this kind of a game?I thought you were different."


"Dont even call Me like that."

"You were just anybody wh-"you hit him multiple times.

"Y/n,I'm sorry.."He pulled you in a hug.

You tried to push him.

"I'm sorry.."

"No you're not..You're just saying your sorry for You to feel better."You tried to pull away.But you can't.

"Let's just end this.."You added.

"No."He protested.And he looked affected.

You pushed him.That's when you where freed to his hug.

"Give me a good reason why?"you gave him a devastating look.

"Because I love you."He confessed.

You looked away.And wipe the tears.

You took a deep breath.

"You love me?Then why?why isn't that enough?"you asked.Your eyes are starting to water again.

He didn't answer.

You stared at him.Examining him.

"Answer me.Please."calming yourself.

"I've been jerk.."He stated looking down.

You broke again in to tears.

"I'm sorry.."he hugged you again.

"I'm sorry too..but I can't forgive you.."You said.

He Let go off you.

Staring at you.And startled and the same time hurt.

The way he look at her..You thought.

The he laugh when he's around her..

It's different.. You thought.

His beautiful eyes began to water .

"I can't."You said.And bit your lip;leaving him there.

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