when you two are ready.. • ⁄ω ⁄•

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"So what are your plans?" your friend asked you. She knows that Jaehyun will be going home tonight.

"I already told you, Jaehyun will be-"

" Yeah, I mean what are you two gonna do?" raising her eyebrow, suspiciously.

You rolled your eyes. Imagining Jaehyun will be visiting you for the first time, your boyfriend. He had been busy due to his come back. You understand how busy he'll be when he became an idol. But despite it, he did exert his effort and care even though he's miles away. He didn't forget to call you after his work, and he consistently sends you updates, a bunch of surprises, and presents. Jaehyun really wanted you to feel you're not being left out, that he really cares. That you're his priority.

The thought of him, in front of your house, gives you excitement and happiness.

"Like old times, watch a movie-," you said closing your locker.

"Nothing R-18, right?" your friend asked, teasing you. It made you flustered. You just gave her a glare. As the two of you went your way to your last class.


" Mom, I know how to cook so don't worry," you said on the phone. Your mom was worried because both of your parents are on a business trip. It has been a week, but you don't mind. You can take care of yourself, you thought.

" What time will Mr. Dreamy come?" she asks with a teasing tone.

" Mom, he has a name. And to answer your question he'll be here any moment now. It's past 7 soo.." you said, smiling like an idiot.

" Hey, you know what I always tell you. To use pro-"

"MOM! Nothing's gonna happen okay?" you said defensively, blushing.

" I know, I just want you to know. To use-"

" Mom doesn't even say the word," you said.

" The word protection?" she asked giggling. You can hear your dad, stopping your mom. You heard your dad, told your mom that you were too young to have that discussion. When you heard the door rang.

Your heart skipped a beat.

"Mom, I'll be going now," you said. You said your I love you. Before hanging up. You took a deep breath.

And dust off your lavender knee dress.

"It's just him.." you said to yourself. You went your way to the front door and slowly open it.

You saw him, with his hair brushed back. He wears his white shirt while carrying a pink paper bag. He looks the same, you thought. But you can see how prominent his muscles are now. But still... it's him. With his smile.. his dimples.

" Hey," he said, smiling at you. You quickly embrace him, wrapping your arm around his neck. Tip toed.. back then it's always like this.

It felt light..as his chin resting on your shoulder. His warm hands cradled on your waist pulling you even closer. You heard him mumble some words.

"I really missed you.." he said with a dry sob.

" Me too, like a damn a lot," you stated. It made him chuckle, before slowly letting you go. You just can't believe you're with him, face to face. You lead him inside, as his hands intertwined in yours. You missed this...You two made your way on the fireplace.

" Do you... want..umm anything?" you asked, still holding him.

He studied the surrounding. He had gotten taller you thought. As he looks around you saw him sighed.

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