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You've been feeling weird, dizzy, cranky, back ache and intense cravings urge these last few days. You faced the mirror and you looked at yourself.

Everything is off ..

You kept saying things to yourself. That something is going on on on your body. But before you know it- the memory of a.. time that was skipped. That made my eyes widen.

Missed period..

Am I?


Suddenly, you started throwing yourself into the cubicle. You feel the extreme nausea, hit you. Jaehyun hurriedly went your side as you kept throwing up.

"What's wrong-"you cut him off.

" You don't have to be he-"

"In sickness and health, right? "he said softly, as he gently rub your back as you finish throwing up.

He flushed the toilet straight away, getting you a drink in the kitchen. As you ponder the question in your mind. You two were married for 5 months. So.. You thought it's about time.

"Here," giving you a glass of water.

As he strokes your back gently. When you didn't even know you were staring at Jaehyun.

Should I tell him?

"Is there something wrong?" he started caressing your cheeks.

You quickly hold it, and looked him in the eye.

"Jaehyun, I-.. I think I'm pregnant." you gave him a smile.

He was shocked, and his flawless lips slowly form a smile.

"I'm not sti-," he cuts you off with a smile. As his lips smash to yours. And he grinned in between, happily.

"I'm going to be a dad," he raises you up and holds him in his arms.

You can't believe how happy he is.

"Hey it isn't still -"

"I love you, "he kissed you again and again. After he threw you a hug, a tear escaped his beautiful eyes.

"We'll be parents. "He added jumping, happily. While you watched him show his joy.

"We need to buy a crib, a-.. A-" he begun to sob.

"Hey, don't cry.." you went to him, wiping the tears away.

"I'm just.. Happy. Beyond happy, thank you.." he held your hand, as you slowly tilt your head to your side.

"Thank you,Y/n.. you don't know how happy I am.." he smiled at you giving you once again a passionate kiss.

He let go of you, embracing you. "I'll try my best to be a great father." that made you smile, puliing him in a hug.

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