Your My Saviour

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Warnings: Abuse and Alcoholics.
Ship: Carly x leo
Type: Femdom and Fluff
Notes: I'm so sorry!

Leo's POV:
I Walked home from school. I was petrified of my Father. He was an Alcoholic and Always Hit me. Usually, he'd just hit me and let me go but he Now is saying some Awful things. What did I do Wrong!

"LEO, YOUR A DISGRACE TO THIS ENTIRE KINGDOM!" My father Yelled. He was Drunk, as usual.

"I..I'm Sorry!" I stuttered, hoping he would stop

"THATS IT! YOU GO AND SEE THAT LITTLE CARLY GIRL BEHIND MY BACK AND DONT EXPECT CONSEQUENCES?!" My father asked. It was a rhetorical question. He went to hit me but before he could-

"LEAVE LEO ALONE!" Came a feminine cry. It was little carly.

Little carlys pov:
I went round Leo's to take him on a date but I had just saw his dad go to hit him! I immediately Went into full Protection Mode to save my love.

"STAY OUT OF THIS STREET RAT!" King Augustus Yelled. Alright, Leo's dad is on my Nerves.

"DONT YOU DARE HIT HIM AUGUSTUS!" I screamed, Attracting the Attention of Leo's mam and Brother. He ignored me and hit leo right in the Eye.

Leo was crying on the ground. I got Furious And stormed over to where king Augustus was. He was stood there, looking over leo Smugly. As soon as he saw me, his gaze Narrowed.


"THATS IT! LEO, GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK! NOW GO YOU DISGRACE!" King Augustus Yelled. I Grabbed Leo's Hand and helped him up.

Leo limped to my car and we both got in. I hugged him to make him feel better.

"Don't worry leo, We can go to my House. King tom will understand." I comforted Him. He just nodded in response.

We drove back to the Magical Kingdom. He sat in silence, staring at the floor. I could tell he felt as if it was his fault. He did nothing wrong though! We open the door and walk in.

Leo's pov:
We went inside the Magical kingdom. Carly told her father about what happened with my Dad and king tom let Me stay there for as long as I needed. We went up to carlys room and chilled. I'm so glad she is my Girlfriend. It could have gotten out of hand Fast. I'm just so glad to Be with her.

A/N: Sorry, I know this wasn't requested but I just wanted to do it. It seemed like an awesome ship. Sorry it was longer than all the other ones. Byeeeeeeee!!!!!!

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