you defended me

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Requested by: AshyEyelash14
Ship: Kelly x leo (kinda?)
AU: Family life
Ship name: Lelly ('cause why not?)
Notes: Thank you so much Adelamora3 and AshyEyelash14 for Always leaving nice comments and Requests for what I should do next. I really appreciate all your kind comments. THANK YOU!
Warnings: JAY (Yep. He's his own Kind of warning now)

Little Kelly's pov:
I was hanging around with leo at the Mall today. He was being super sweet to me. We thought about going and getting McDonald's until deciding to actually do so.

We walked in and I looked around. I havent seen Jay yet. Phew! I dont know, Maybe he changed jobs so we wouldn't bump into eachother or maybe he's just not here today. For all I know, he could literally be here and I just cant see him. It wouldn't surprise me, well it would but that's besides the point.

We sat down and ordered food. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw him walk out of the back area. I got super nervous but tried not to Express it. But leo caught on to this very quickly.

"Are you ok, little kelly? You seem a little... I dont know, off?" Leo Asked me.

"Uh, yeah Hehe I'm fine!" I say, trying my hardest to not be suspicious.

"Are you sur-" he tried saying before I cut him off with a yes.

We ate our food Very quickly and left. We walked around a couple of stores till I realised something. Jay, He was at every store we went to. Whether it was a book store or a cake store, he was there. I Quickly span Around to see him.

"Jay, Why are you following me! I've told you this multiple times! I'm not interested in you anymore! Please, leave me alone!" I yell.

"Nope! You broke up with me, so you have to deal with the consequences!" He replied.

"Look dude, she has said shes not interested. You cant force a person to date you. If shes not interested, shes not interested. So you should leave her alone and go find someone else. Shes over you dude, god I thought you'd realise that!" Leo said, defending me.

"No!" Jay replied.

"You see, Many people think they can control women. Telling them that they HAVE to date them, even if they hate the person. Also, I've been told everything that you've done to her and its Disgusting! You went out of your way JUST to see her upset. You put her through HELL and back with NO mercy at all. And you think that she would want you back, then you must be incredibly stupid. Besides, she'd never want to date you after what you did. Now LEAVE US ALONE!" Leo Yelled.

Little Leo's pov:
"FINE!" Jay yelled, his voice full of venom.
I looked back to see where kelly was and I saw she had hidden herself in a corner, probably for protection.

I walked over to her. I held my hand out and pulled her up and into my arms. She hugged me back. Everything was A-OK until I heard soft crying. I looked down and saw that little kelly was crying.

"Hey, hey, hey... shhhh" I whisper trying to calm her down.

"I- I'm Sorry" she sobbed into my chest.

"Its ok, kelly. He didn't do anything to me and even if he had, it wouldn't have been your fault" I whisper, Hugging her Tightly.

We continued to hug for a while.

Little Kelly's pov:
Leo hugged me and took me back to his. I stayed there for a while since I was so nervous about going back. I was nervous since I had just had an Encounter with jay (my ex that king tom hates) and I'd be going straight back to the kingdom without any kind of support. I felt really happy that he defended me though.
A/n: sorry that this was long I just had a whole load of Ideas for this. I mean, who wouldn't. Thank you so much for the  support and suggestions! I really appreciate it. You dont know how much it means to me. Thanks!

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